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This section allows you to configure various System Settings within the entire solution. You can manage these system options by accessing, Administration > System Settings.

Please refer to the following section under System Settings to get more information regarding each setting.


Show System Period Pane

Used in Rollover, activating this feature will make the system period pane visible and also allows Authorised users to toggle through the current and next period for the forthcoming business period planning (those with the required security to do so). This setting must be switched on in order to go into the ‘next period’ of the system.


Enable System Period Permission Boost

Used in Rollover, activating this will enable access to the ‘next period’ for all Users (without having to go through and give them permissions). This is only used if you need all users in your user list to view and access the next period during the rollover.

Make current system period default

Used in Rollover, this option allows the current period to be the default when the user logs into the system during rollover (when you have both current and next periods are open). This means even if the user logs out of the system within the next period, it will always default to the current period when they login next. If switched off, the system will log into the system period which the user last logged out of.

Executive Comments Tracking 

Used in the Executive Reporting module. The Executive Comments Tracking allows the user s to identify if executive comments are entered for executive reports.

“Do not show” means the identity is not shown. You can either select default comments, outcome comments, or budget comments as relevant.



The icon shown in the executive build report:


Please see the 'Executive Build" area for more information.

Enable Trend data to be displayed in EIS

Used in EIS area. This enables trend data to be displayed in EIS with a 'Trend' image for KPIs in EIS (Comparing current period to previous period). There are performance implications if this is enabled (i.e. The EIS KPI section may slow down).

Reverse income budget

Ticking the Action Budget makes income figures in EIS display negative values.

The NET will still be calculated as expenditure minus income.

KPI trend to be based on Actual value

This setting would enable the KPI trend arrow to be based on the KPI actual value instead of overall KPI performance.

Business Rules

The direction of the trend arrow will consider the calculation method of a KPI.


  • Above rules will be applied for all KPI types; normal, calculated, trend, or rollup.

  • When the trend arrow is based on actual, trend KPI should also display a trend arrow (as opposed to when trend arrow is based on performance).

  • For calculated KPIs, calculated actual value that appears within KPI > Target/ actuals page should be considered.

  • For upper nodes of rollup KPIs, actuals entered for the lowest nodes would be rolled up and the trend arrow would be based on the rolled up actual values.

Display Opening Balance in Action Budget


Approve Corporate Plan 

Relates to security, this option locks down all business plans (all actions and tasks) so that they are not editable by the managers once the corporate plan has been approved. All fields will be locked except for the progress update fields such as status, percentage complete and progress comment. Strategic planners, business planners and Administrators will still be able to edit the plans.

Action Permission Boost 

Relates to security, this allows ALL users to create and edit actions within their business unit, regardless of the security level. It is recommended that you tick this checkbox during the business planning period when users may be required to create or edit actions. Typically, this option is used to help speed up the Inherent entry of data, whilst still maintaining a degree of restricted access as stipulated by the application security settings.

For this to work properly make sure your users are linked to staff members who are in turn linked to an organisational grouping such as business unit or directorate.

Filter Graphs in EIS and My Performance 

Filter EIS, My Performance Action and budget summery graphs.

Disable Creating Planning Elements

Solutions identified during the environmental analysis can be linked as a new planning element through the environmental analysis linking area. Ticking the “Disable Creating Planning Elements” option will restrict the user from doing so.


Enable Front Page KPI By Reporting Officer 

If this box is checked, the Quick KPI Update will show KPIs where the user is the Reporting Officer. If it is not checked the Quick KPI Update will show KPIs where the user is the Reporting Officer or the Responsible Officer.

KPI will show up for the reporting officer of the KPI, via their home page. The KPI will show up automatically also for the Responsible officer of the KPI (as default).

Enable user to enter targets against Action Revised date

Enabling the option for Action Revised Date allows the user s to enter action targets against action revised dates. It also ensures that users enter tasks only within the action’s revised dates. To use this option, you must have the action revised dates enabled.

Enable Confidentiality for Action and KPI

Ticking the Confidentiality tick box will allow users to set Actions and KPIs as confidential which in turn, will restrict users without the “Confidential” role from seeing these Actions & KPIs throughout the system.

These will however continue to display in standard reports.

Action Ref

This option enables the Action Reference field within Action details page.

Enter ‘None’ for it not to appear, enter either alphanumeric or numeric depending on if you want numbers or letters to be written in the field. Note that this number does not appear in standard reports.  


Change Action Numbering 

This feature renumbers Actions so that they are unique within the whole Organisation, not just unique within their Business Unit.


Business Unit B actions numbered - Action, Action


Hide Completed Actions

This feature allows the ‘hide completed’ checkbox to be automatically ticked for everyone within the ‘My Actions’ of the home page. This also makes the tick box checked by default within the Action input area.


Allow Planning External links

Checking this feature will allow external links to be enabled within the database.


Please see CAMMS support for details on the set up.

Make next system period default for external links

Used in Rollover, when the user has the external links activated and enabled, you can default the user to go into the next period by checking this box.

Hide Add New Button In Quick Navigation Menu

This setting will hide the Add (+) button on the top left hand side of the Sycle menu. If the user does not wish to add new actions or KPIs from the side menu, then this setting will provide users the ability to remove the button.


Maximum sub task level

This setting will enable users to set the maximum sub task level a task can have. This can go up to 10.


Note: this setting is only used if you have the Task Management feature. 


Hide milestone comments and stage

This parameter will hide the Milestone Comments text box and stage field in task quick update page.


Configure Quick Update Hyperlinks

This setting would allow to configure the behavior of quick update hyperlinks. You may choose to disable the hyperlinks in Quick Update which would disable title hyperlinks in Actions, tasks, KPIs, etc. You can also configure hyperlinks to open the record details page on the same window or a new window/tab.


Display "Period" based traffic lights in My Quick Update KPI

When ticked, displays the inline traffic light for each KPI on the homepage based on the KPI period performance. If not ticked, it will always display YTD performance.

Display Individual Periods

Display past periods individually for separate configuration in the KPI Quick Update Settings area.

Display Last Closed Period in My Quick Update Actions

When ticked, ensures that all data displayed via the inline Action quick update functionality is for the last closed period. If not ticked, the data will be applicable to the current period.


Example below is for when it is ticked, and the user is within June 2015:


Display Last Closed Period in My Quick Update KPI

When ticked, ensures that all data displayed via the inline KPI quick update functionality is for the last closed period. If not ticked, the data will be applicable to the current period.


Example below is for when it is not ticked, and the user is within June 2015:


Document Management

If your organisation is using document management functionality you can configure it here. Provide document management link, document management system domain, Document management system password and document management system user name and click save.


This is an optional feature which can be activated or deactivated by CAMMS upon request. A cost may be associated with this activation.

Please contact the CAMMS Helpdesk for more information.

Enable Account Data Delete Button

Used in the financial interface, this activates a Delete button in the Financial Interface > Import Account Data screen allowing users to delete imported accounts.

Important: Using this button will delete all imported accounts and mappings for the selected year so please activate and use with caution.


Enable annual target label in KPI Target/ Actual page

Enabling this setting will let you see a new 'Annual Target' field in KPIs Targets/Actuals tab, which will show the sum or average of all period targets based on the aggregation method. 


  • Normal – ‘Annual Target' label will show the sum of all period targets.

  • Average – 'Annual Target' label will show the average of all period targets.

  • Cumulative – 'Annual Target' label will show the sum of all period targets.


Enable Home Page Grid On Demand Load

Activating this will improve the loading speed of the My Quick Update page by only loading the individual sections after a user clicks the plus icon.

When this setting is inactive, each section is pre-loaded with the Initial page load.

Hide Related Issues (SWOT)

Hides the Related Issue drop-down in the Action Details screen.

Make Task Completion Date Mandatory

When ticked, Actions and Tasks cannot be marked Completed and saved without entering a Completion Date which will be considered mandatory.

Render Navigation Pad As a List 

It is recommended to switch this on to improve the performance of the Navigation Pad if you are using a lower version of Internet Explorer.

Restrict Adding Actions Into Executive Reports 

Ticking this would restrict users from adding new actions to executive reports.

Enable tags to Actions, Tasks and KPIs

Ticking this will enable users to add tags to Actions, Tasks and KPIs. Once this is enabled a new section called ‘Tag Configuration’ will be shown under configuration area to configure tags.

Enable tags to KPI Targets / Actuals

Ticking this will enable users to add tags against KPI periods. Once this is enabled a new section called ‘Tag Configuration’ will be shown under configuration area to configure tags.

Limit Decimal Places in Budget

Configure the number of decimal places (from a maximum of two to no decimal places) that should be shown in Budget tab of EIS and the budget tab in Actions.

View/ Edit Import Key in Organisational and Custom hierarchies

Configure this setting to know the backend mapping codes for each node, which will help when troubleshooting and matching against the source data during an HR integration.
