Note: There are specific business rules based on an action status in order for it to save successfully: Setting a Status of ‘Not started’ will automatically set the percentage to 0%. Setting a Status of 'ongoing' will automatically set the percentage to be blank (no progress to be determined). Setting a Status of ‘Complete’ will automatically set the percentage complete to 100%. When the status is set to complete, completed date field will be enabled allowing you to enter the actual date of completion. This may be mandatory/optional depending on the configurations done by your Administrator. You will not be able to modify the Percent Complete for ‘Not started’, ‘ongoing’ or ‘Completed’ Statuses. However, an ‘IN PROGRESS’ or ‘DEFERRED’ status will show a % complete that is editable. This field may have a number added between 1 and 100 only. See article Risk Actions under section 'Risk Action Performance Indicators' for more details on the colour codes and calculations.