The following mandatory filters (parameters) are included in the dataset:
Field Name | Data Type | Remarks |
@DATEFROM | Date Time | Start date of the period Incident history records should be filtered from |
@DATETO | Date Time | End date of the period Incident history records should be filtered to |
@IncidentObjectName | Text | Relevant Incident object history records should be filtered from (e.g. Injury, Hazard, Close) |
Following are some sample data included in the dataset:
@DATEFROM | @DATETO | @IncidentObject | Field Name | Previous Value | Current Value | Time Stamp | Title | User Name |
2020-09-01T00:00:00 |
| Close | Status | Open | Closed | 2021-06-28T11:58:29.457 | Nose broken | Tim Jones |
2020-09-01T00:00:00 |
| Close | Closure Date | 30/09/2019 | 27/11/2020 | 2020-12-17T15:19:58.94 | Severe cut in right hand | Thomas Grey |
The following fields are included in the dataset:
Field Name | Data Type | Remarks |
PROJECTID | Text | A unique ID of the project that can be used to link with other related datasets |
Project Title | Text | Captures the title of the project |
Average Risk Rating Score | Numeric | Average risk rating score of the project |
Average Risk Rating Description | Text | The risk rating description which corresponds to the average risk rating score |
Highest Risk Rating Score | Numeric | Highest risk rating score of the project |
Highest Risk Rating Description | Text | The risk rating description which corresponds to the highest risk rating score |
Following are some sample data included in the dataset:
Project Title | Average Risk Rating Score | Average Risk Rating Description | Highest Risk Rating Score | Highest Risk Rating Description |
Traffic management on East Highway | 33 | Medium | 50 | High |
Safety improvement on West Highway | 41.75 | High | 90 | Extreme |
The below table shows the default relationship which you can setup as a System Administrator:
Join Type | Data Object | Join Field |
| Foreign Data Object | Join Field |
INNER | Project_ProjectRegister_STND | PROJECTID | = | Project_ProjectOverallRiskRating_STND | PROJECTID |
The below table shows you the default relationship which you can set up as a System Administrator:
Join Type | Data Object | Join Field |
| Foreign Data Object | Join Field |
INNER | Project_ProjectRegister_STND | PROJECTID | = | Project_PortfolioProjectView_STND | PROJECTID |
Following are some sample data included in the dataset:
Project Name | Project Start Date | Project End Date | Responsible Person | Project Sponsor | Duration | Progress% | Project Type |
Capital Works | 31/12/2018 | 29/6/2023 | Joe Smith | Jack Watts | 1648 | 53 | Portfolio |
Public Infrastructure Improvement | 30/6/2019 | 15/10/2022 | Joe Smith | Sean Arnold | 1298 | 54 | Program |
Footpath Construction | 30/6/2019 | 29/6/2022 | Joe Smith | Jenifer Rance | 1095 | 68 | Capital Works |
Tunnel Design | 30/6/2019 | 29/6/2022 | Paul Hilton | John Wayne | 1187 | 36 | Capital Works |