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This was released on 26th June 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Improvements to Incident emails 

1.1 Emails based on type and category 

Administrators can now configure email notifications to be sent out for all triggers, based on the Incident Type and/or Category, under the Notifications area accessed via Framework>Incident Settings, you will find two new configurations appearing for any selection made from the ‘Trigger Criteria’ option as below, for the Notification type ‘Incident’.




  • CAMMS will be implementing the same feature above for other notification types as well in the future as a part of the road map. Stay tuned for updates via Aha!

1.2 Emails on changes to category

Administrators can now configure email notifications to be sent out when the incident category is updated. 



Important Note:

Minor usability improvements have been made to the notifications area in general as below; 

  • Changes made to the standard terminology for 'Email Notifications' and 'Email Templates' area previously existed, which can be accessed via cammsrisk>Framework>Incident settings to read as Notifications and Notification Templates respectively. 

  • Introducing an option to make a configured notification active as an Email notification, also with a similar ability to mark a template created as an Email template


1.3 Trigger emails based on action status changes

Administrators can now configure email notifications to be sent out for action, based on action statuses and changes to the status 


  • You also have a new snippet to support the above trigger, in the Notification Template area which can be accessed via cammsrisk>Framework>Incident settings under the notification type ‘Action’ as [PreviousActionStatus]. This will show the immediate previous status of the action prior to the change. 


1.4  Ability to send out consolidated notifications

Administrators can now configure email notifications to be sent out in a consolidated fashion in bulk for the below two triggers, which can be accessed via the Notifications area in cammsrisk>Framework>Incident Settings>Notification type ‘Action.’


  1. Title -  The title of the record with which the action is linked with. For incident actions, this will be the incident title. 

  2. Action Name – Name of the action. 

  3. Previous Action Status – The status before the immediate last status change.

  4. Status – Current action status. 

  5. Percent Completed – Action completed percentage. 

  6. Overdue Days – Number of days by which the action is overdue. This will follow the below logic in determining the number of days.

    1. Actions with statuses ‘Completed’, ‘Deferred’   and/or ‘Ongoing’ – this will be zero

    2. Others – the number of days by which the ‘End date’ for the action has passed the current system date


 Note:CAMMS will be continuously working towards improving and extending the feature to other notification types and triggers as a part of the road map. Stay tuned for the updates through Aha!

2. Hide tabs for which users don't have view permissions

  • As part of our continuous improvements to usability and security within cammsincident, we have enhanced how the user permissions, which can be accessed via cammsrisk>Framework>Incident Settings>User Roles, work. 

  • Previously, users for whom a workflow-based role was assigned, if they didn't have any permissions for a particular tab (i.e. not even a ‘Read Only’ permission) the user would still able to see the name of the tab, which when clicked would notify them that did not have access to view that tab;
