This was released on 12th December 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.
1. Ability to rollover tags used in Actions and Tasks
This modification allows you to rollover tags, which are used in the current period Actions and Tasks to the next period.
A new configuration called ‘Exclude Existing Tags’ has been introduced in the ‘Create New Rollover Period’ page.
Navigate to ‘Create New Rollover Period’ via Strategy Menu > Tools > Rollover > Start. Tick the ‘Exclude Existing Tags’ checkbox to exclude existing tags used in actions and tasks being copied to ‘Next Period’.
2. Updates to Standard KPI Report
2.1. Incorporating new Camms Branding into the report
Latest Camms branding have been incorporated into the KPI report cover pages
2.2 Visual and Layout Improvements
The revamped KPI report, has been updated to include the visual and layout improvements detailed below.
The appearance of information displayed within the ‘KPI detailed graph’ section is enhanced to improve comprehension of information displayed.
2.3 Addition of a new detailed section to showcase related sub-KPIs
Each related sub KPI is showcased as a new detailed section within the individual KPI detailed grid.