Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Fields maintained as Common

Control ABC as a Template (Control Register)

Control ABC Linked to a Risk Record

Control ABC Linked to a Compliance Record

Control Type

Preventative (Can be edited)

Preventative (Read-Only)

Preventative (Read-Only)

Control Owner

John (Can be edited)

John (Read Only)

John (Read-Only) Ticked (maintained as unique fields)

  • You will be able to edit these fields within the 'Control Record Detail' page accessed via the 'Control Record' grids in the Risk Assessment tab (Camms.Risk module) and the Control Object (Camms.Risk Compliance module).

  • Editing these fields within a particular Risk/ Compliance Record, will not impact the same field of other Controls Linked to Risk or Compliance Records. Therefore, the details can be maintained in a unique manner against each of these individual records.

  • This option will be useful if you have different divisions/users handling the Master Control Templates, Risk Controls, and Compliance Controls. This way, any changes done to a Control linked to a specific record, will not impact the other linked records or the Master Template.


Fields maintained as Unique

Control ABC as a Template (Control Register)

Control ABC Linked to a Risk Record

Control ABC Linked to a Compliance Record

Control Type

Preventative (Can be edited)

Corrective (Can be edited)

Directive (Can be edited)

Control Owner

John (Can be edited)

Jack (Can be edited)

Alex (Can be edited) Ticked and Unticked (maintained as a combination of unique and common fields)

  • Additionally, you can decide if you wish to maintain a combination of fields that can be maintained as Unique and Common. This way, critical fields can be configured as Common fields which will need to be maintained at a Control Template level. And the rest can be configured as Unique fields which will allow you to update these as Required via linked Risk and Compliance Records.

3.1.5 Field Visibility in Control Detail, Control Record Details, Control Record Grid pages

  • Control Detail page – This can be accessed by clicking the 'Control Title' within the Control Register. This page will display details maintained against the Control Template.

  • Control Record Details page – This can be accessed by clicking the 'Control Title' within the Control Record grid in the Risk Assessment tabs, and the 'Control Object' within a Compliance record. This page will display the details maintained against the Controls linked with the specific Risk/Compliance record.

  • Control Record grid – This can be accessed via the Risk Assessment tabs of Risk and the Control object within a Compliance record. This grid will let you add and link to new or existing controls to the Risk and Compliance records.


  • STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes, next to the fields you wish to change make visible under the 'Control Details', 'Control Record Details', and 'Control Record Grid' columns.

  • STEP 2: Click 'Save' at the top of the page to save details.


3.1.6 Displaying Fields in the My Quick Update page

To make Control fields visible in the My Quick Update page:

  • STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes, next to the fields you wish to display in the My Quick Update page.

  • STEP 2: Click 'Save' at the top of the page to save details.


3.1.7 Mandatory Fields

To make Control fields mandatory or optional in the Control Details, Control Record Details, or Control Record Grid pages:

  • STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes next to the fields you wish to make mandatory under the 'Mandatory' column.

  • STEP 2: Untick the checkboxes next to the fields you wish to make optional under the 'Mandatory' column.

  • STEP 2: Click 'Save' at the top of the page to save details.

3.1.8 Hyperlinked Control Fields

Some fields will have a link that will open up a popup window to configure additional settings. To configure hyperlinked fields:
