Versions Compared


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There are a number of different types of KPIs available within the system.  These These include Normal, Calculated and Trend KPIs, as well as single and Rollup KPIs.

  • A Rollup KPI can aggregate or average through different hierarchies, such as the planning or organisational hierarchy.  This This enables users to input data at the lowest level, and the system automatically aggregates the results for each layer of the hierarchy above.
     An example is days of staff absence.  

  • A Single KPI in contrast, cannot record or aggregate values across multiple levels of the hierarchies but can be linked to a selected level.

  • Trend KPIs are not used to track performance but to simply record data through time instead, in order to monitor patterns.  They, therefore, do not have a target but only an actual and therefore are excluded from performance calculations across the system. Trend KPIs are visible in EIS, however, will not show a performance traffic light color. Trend KPIs can be single or rollup. An example is showing the population over time.

  • Calculated KPIs are KPIs whose targets and actuals can be derived from a formula connecting one or more data sets also referred to as sub-KPIs.  They are mainly used for ratio or percentage based KPIs to ensure that the results can average or accumulate over time. This functionality is optional and will only be available if your organisation requested it during your Scoping Day.  Calculated Calculated KPIs can be single or rollup.
     An example is the liquidity ratio.

  • Normal KPIs are neither calculated nor trend based. It simply provides the ability to enter target, variance and actual information. This is the most common KPI type.


  • KPIs: the KPIs are preloaded into your cammsstrategy® Camms.Strategy® system. KPIs are the linked to themes provided by the LGPRF. KPIs are linked to the service and operational sub-categories of the themes. The KPIs are linked to a 'LGPRF' tick box to identify them as well as other customized fields for reporting.


  • STEP 1: To create a calculated KPI follow the steps required to create a single KPI and select “calculated” for KPI type.
    The only available Aggregation option for a Calculated KPI is ‘Normal’ and the only available Time Horizon option is ‘Period’. 
    Once a calculated KPI is created and saved, an additional ‘Sub KPI’ tab will be visible where you can either create new sub KPIs or select existing KPIs as sub-KPIs.

  • STEP 2: Click the 'Sub KPI' tab.
    On the right-hand side, you can see a list of potential sub KPI’s. Not all existing KPIs are eligible - scroll down to the end of this topic for a complete list of business rules;


  • STEP 3: To add a sub KPI, select the required KPI and drag from the KPI list on the right onto the list of sub KPIs in the center of the screen. The dotted blue line surrounding this section indicates the KPI is in the correct spot to be dropped and linked. When you have added all the sub KPIs you need, click SAVE and move to.

  • STEP 4:If the KPI you need is not available in the list and must be added to the database, click the 'New' button to create your new KPI. Enter the information required and click SAVE to save the entry. You will notice that this has automatically been added as a sub KPI to your original Calculated KPI. Similarly, create as many sub KPIs as required.

  • STEP 5: Enter a formula to calculate the actuals.
    The formula can contain the alphabetical codes assigned automatically to the sub KPIs as well as the universal symbols for add, subtract, multiply, divide and open/close brackets.

  • STEP 6: Click the 'Save' icon.

  • Sub KPIs should be within the same period or less to that of the Calculated KPI to link with. (e.g. if calculated KPI had a monthly period, then sub KPIs which can be linked are only monthly, weekly or daily – not yearly).

  • If there is no sub KPI available in the list, users will be enabled to click on “New” to create a sub KPI within the Calculated KPI.

  • Sub KPI linkage has no effect over calculated KPIs, meaning calculated KPIs can be linked to any level of the hierarchy.

  • Sub KPIs have a formula code a, b, c etc. A formula can be entered which will derive the “calculation” for the calculated KPI.

  • Sub KPIs will be assigned with a code automatically, which the user can use in the formula (ex- (a*b)/c). This can go up to any number (ex. zz).

  • When a sub KPI is removed from the list, and if it has been already included into the formula, a warning message will be displayed as “If the sub KPI is removed from the list, the specified formula will be invalid and formula will be cleared. Are you sure you want to remove?” The user can click “OK” or “Cancel” as the response to the message.

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    If the user selects “Ok”, the sub KPI will be removed from the list and formula text box will be cleared.

    • If a sub KPI is removed and it is not selected for formula yet, an information message will be displayed saying “The sub KPI code and formula will be rearranged accordingly”. If the user selects “Ok”, the KPI codes in list and formula will be automatically rearranged.

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Target and Actuals
