Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Creating and editing a page

  • Heading Styles

  • Differentiating content in different coloured panels

  • Adding images or file attachments

  • Adding links

  • Adding tables

  • Setting up a page-level table of contents

  • Searching for content

  • Deleting a page

  • Copying a page

  • Moving a page

  • Viewing page history

  • Adding a page favourites

  • Adding a label/tag to a page

  • Standards to follow when creating articles






A blue coloured panel with an info icon. This panel can be used for additional notes or information.


A purple coloured panel with a note icon. This panel can be used for any special notes or things that need to stand out.


A green coloured panel with a tick icon. This panel can be used for success messages (e.g. Page is successfully created) or tips.


A yellow coloured panel with an exclamation icon. This panel can be used for warning messages or examples.


A red coloured panel with a cross icon. This panel can be used for error messages (e.g. Do you want to delete this page?).

Add emoji

Select this emoji icon to customise the panel icon and select from a list of emojis available.

Remove emoji

Select this option to remove the panel icon (emoji) and leave it only as a coloured box.

5. Adding images


and file attachments

5.1 Adding an image

To place an image or a file attachment into your article, follow the below steps:

  • STEP 1: Place your cursor at the point you want to add an image.

  • STEP 12: Click on the Files files and images icon in the controls panel at the top of the page, to add an image or a file. This component displays a series of images or files related to a particular project. This component can also be configured to show a series of custom images.


  • STEP 2: Once the image icon is clicked select the image and press the Enter key.


6. Adding links

  • To add a link to your page, click on the link icon placed on the toolbox.

  • Once the link icon is clicked, you will get a popup.


  • Type the URL on the space given to link the page.


  • .


  • STEP 3: This will open a dialog box where you can browse to where your images are, and select one of it. This will place the image where your cursor was.

  • STEP 4: By default the image will be centre aligned. By clicking on the image, you will be able to perform the following functions:

    • Add a caption to the image where the placeholder 'Add a caption' text displays below the image.

    • Align image to the left of the page.

    • Align image to the centre of the page.

    • Align image to the right of the page.

    • Wrap image to the left side around text.

    • Wrap image to the right side around text.

    • Link the image to an external link or to another article.

    • Add an alternative text that will popup when you hover your cursor over the image.

    • Delete the image.


5.2 Adding a file attachment

To place a file attachment into your article, follow the below steps:

  • STEP 1: Place your cursor at the point you want to add a file attachment.

  • STEP 2: Click on the files and images icon in the controls panel at the top of the page, to add a file attachment.


  • STEP 3: This will open a dialog box where you can browse to where your files are, and select one of it. This will place the file as an attachment where your cursor was.

6. Adding links

External or internal links can be added to an article using the following steps:

  • STEP 1: Highlight the text that you want to add a link to.

  • STEP 2: Click on the link icon in the controls panel at the top of the page, to add a link.


  • STEP 3: Once the linkCamms.Project – Home Page and Navigationicon is clicked, a pulldown window will be displayed to add the link or to select an article to link to.

  • STEP 4: You can enter the URL link in the space given at the top of the pulldown window. Or you can type in the article name and select from the pages that will be filtered out.

  • STEP 5: Press the Enter key to add the link to the selected text.


To edit an added link, use the following steps:

  • STEP 1: Click on the text that the link is embedded to.

  • STEP 2: Click on the Edit link option and add the new link details and press the Enter key to update details.

  • STEP 3: Other functions available when editing a link, are listed below:

    • Display URL: This dropdown will display options where you can display the link as a URL or display the page name inline. By default, none of these options will be used.

    • Open link in new tab: Use this icon to open the link in a new tab.

    • Unlink: Unlink the link using this icon.


7. How do I add a table?

  • STEP  1: To add a table, click on the table icon on the toolbox or click on the down arrow, select table, and press the Enter key.
