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This article contains:

Table of Contents

1. Overview

Strategy Maps allow organisations to drill down through Planning Hierarchy while seeing performance of individual nodes, actions and KPIs linked to the strategic plan. Furthermore, it provides the ability to view details of each node along with the filtering options on various dimensions. The essential goal of Strategy Map is to provide the user a bird’s eye view of the Planning Hierarchy with an enhanced user experience.

Strategy map can be accessed via:

  • Workspace > Strategy Map OR.

  • Easy access menu option.

At the time end user gets into Strategy Map, by default, Goal 1 > Outcome 1 > Strategy 1>Task 1> Sub Task 1 path is collapsed. Other paths can be collapsed once after user clicks on a particular Goal within the map itself. By default, Strategy Map's content is filtered against last close period. Therefore, all the performance figures will be filtered out to last closed period unless it's changed from filtration area.

2. Tiles

Strategy Map consists of tiles and each tile represents either a node of the Planning hierarchy or an Action/KPI. A tile is divided into 4 main segments:

  • Node's Type and Name

  • View Details

  • Action Performance

  • KPI Performance

2.1 Node's Type and Name

This segment represents the node type - Goal, Outcome, Strategy, Action and Task. Name of the node is stated beneath the node type.

3. View Details

This segment refers to the details of selected node. The following information is available within this section:

  • Performance Summary - refers to graphical representations of Action and KPI performance. There're two main elements:

Executing Planned Actions
Performance status of linked actions will be denoted using a donut chart. Overall performance % will be derived from percentage of the action count with majority performance status. Refer following examples:

Corresponding KPIs

Performance status of linked KPIs will be denoted using a donut chart. Overall performance % will be derived from percentage of the KPI count with majority performance status. KPI trend arrow would be declared as per the following business rules:

I. Trend in terms of the KPI count (based on Strategy Map Configurations).

        IF for last closed period (e.g. 30 Sept) or corresponding previous period (e.g. 31 Aug) there is at least 1 ON TRACK KPI, then compare ON TRACK count between the two periods and show arrow (e.g. as of 30 Aug there is 3 ON TRACK KPIs, and 30 Sept here is 4 ON TRACK KPIs, then green UP arrow);

        ELSE IF for last closed period (e.g. 30 Sept) or corresponding previous period (e.g. 31 Aug) there is at least 1 OFF TRACK KPI, then compare OFF TRACK count and show arrow (use reverse logic, if count has reduced then green UP, if count has increased then red DOWN).

        ELSE sideways orange arrow.

II. Trend in terms of average KPI performance (based on Strategy Map Configurations).

Compare average performance values between last closed period and corresponding previous period and show arrow as per the standard business rules. If cannot compare numerically (e.g. all KPIs have no target set in either period or both periods), then always display sideways arrow.

4. Strategy Map Configurations

This setting allows user to define the calculations and the thresholds that would manage the behavior of Strategy Map. Logics defined for the Actions and KPI performance are same across all hierarchy nodes within Planning hierarchy.

  • Performance calculation based on action/KPI count
    In this method, for each node the system will take the total number of Actions and KPIs. The system will then check how many Actions and KPIs are in ON TRACK, OFF TRACK, MONITORING and N/A status, separately. Depending on that figure, the system will display the relevant performance status against each node. Following business rules has been defined to arrive at overall action/KPI performance of the node.

If All ON TRACK, OFF TRACK and MONITOR count is 0, then node is N/A.

If majority is ON TRACK, then node is ON TRACK.

If majority is OFF TRACK, then node is OFF TRACK.

If majority is MONITOR, then node is MONITOR.

If ALL is N/A, then node is N/A.



  • N/A can be displayed if all items are N/A (e.g. 11 N/A, 0 ON TRACK, 0 MONITOR, 0 OFF TRACK).

  • Otherwise, take the second highest/standard logic after N/A (e.g. 11 N/A, 2 ON TRACK, 1 MONITOR, 2 OFF TRACK – So here ignore N/A and consider only: 2 ON TRACK, 1 MONITOR, 2 OFF TRACK. Apply normal logic for this – since ON TRACK count = OFF TRACK count, you display MONITOR).

If majority is ON TRACK or OFF TRACK and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is ON TRACK or MONITOR and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is ON TRACK or N/A and are equal, then ON TRACK

If majority is OFF TRACK or MONITOR and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is OFF TRACK or N/A and are equal, then OFF TRACK

If majority is MONITOR or N/A and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is ON TRACK or OFF TRACK or MONITOR and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is ON TRACK or OFF TRACK or N/A and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is ON TRACK or MONITOR or N/A and are equal, then MONITOR

If majority is OFF TRACK or MONITOR or N/A and are equal, then MONITOR

If All are equal ON TRACK and OFF TRACK and MONITOR and N/A then MONITOR

  • Performance calculation based on averaged action/KPI performance
    In this method, for each node, the system will take the sum of the performances of all the Actions and KPIs and take the average from it. Then check where the average of all the KPIs/Actions fit into; based on the defined threshold limits.


Note: Only the Actions/KPIs which are having a performance value (On Track, Off Track and Monitor) will be considered for the calculations. N/A must be excluded from the calculation.
Eg 1: There are 8 Actions (2 is in N/A status) included in GOAL 1 node. The Total Sum of the Action Performances for those 6 Actions is 584.

  • Formula:
    Total Performance Average = Total Action Performance / Number of Actions
    584 / 6 = 97.3.

    Therefore, the value 97.3 will be crosschecked with the threshold limits to identify the performance colour.
    The KPI performance status will also be calculated in the aforementioned manner and KPI thresholds will be used for arriving at performance status.

  • Action and KPI Performance Percentage Comparison
    This setting is applicable for arriving at KPI trend arrow. Based on the dropdown selection, the previous period would be decided by the system, to be compared with last closed period. The following options are available:

Monthly – previous period would be 'a month back' compared to last closed period. I.e. if last closed period is December-17, previous period would be November-17.

Quarterly – previous period would be '3 months back' compared to last closed period. I.e. if last closed period is December-17, previous period would ne October -17.

Yearly – previous period would be '12 months back' compared to last closed period. I.e. if last closed period is June-17, previous period would ne July-16.

  • Action listing

Actions linked with the node would be displayed within a grid. The following columns are available: Action, Start/End Dates, Service Profile, Business Unit, Responsible Officer, Last Updated, Progress, Progress   Performance and Budget Performance. This view is a read-only view.

  • KPI listing
    KPIs linked with the node would be displayed within a grid. The following columns are available: KPI, Period, Responsible Officer, YTD Performance, Actual, Target, Period Performance, and Last Updated. This view is a read-only view.


Note: Instead of selecting 'View Performance', you can simply click on sub sections of Action/KPI performance to load specific tabs in the detail view.

5. Action Performance

Overall action performance of the node would be illustrated using this section. There are two types that could be used for performance calculations, refer the section Strategy Map configurations in this article for more information. Here also, standard Action performance status types will be used: On Track, Monitor, Off Track and N/A.

6. KPI Performance

Overall KPI performance of the node would be illustrated using this section. There are two types that could be used for performance calculations, refer the section Strategy Map configurations in this article for more information. Here also, standard KPI performance status types will be used: On Track, Monitor, Off Track and N/A.


Note: Goal, Outcome, Strategy and Action tiles display the same above information described above. However, when it comes to Task/Sub Task tiles, task specific information is displayed as follows.

Within a Task/Sub Task tile, % completion and start/end dates will be displayed. In view details screen, some more information is displayed specific to Tasks.


Strategy Map filtration is two-fold:

  • Display filter – use this filter to display either actions, KPIs or both.

  • Data filter – use this option to filter information of actions and KPIs for the selected parameters.

  • Following filter options are available:

    • Hierarchy - refers to the hierarchy which the Strategy Map is constructed on top of. Defaulted to Planning hierarchy.

    • Directorate - refers to standard Directorate. Defaulted to '--Please Select--'.

    • Business Unit - refers to standard Business Unit. Defaulted to '--Please Select--'.

    • Responsible Officer - refers to Staff. No default selection.

    • Action Budget Type - refers to action budget type. Defaulted to '--Please Select--'.

    • Service - refers to standard Service Profile. Defaulted to '--Please Select--'.

    • Time Frame - refers to standard Date Range filter. No default selection.

Use Filter button to filter information and Clear button to clear the default filter state.

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