Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


There are several options available to customise the table of contents, once added.

  • Edit – See section Edit table of contents below, for more details.

  • Back to center – This is the default table of contents width. If you have changed the table of contents width, then click on this to reset it back to the normal size.

  • Go wide – If the table of contents have lengthy titles, this option can be used for better viewing purposes.

  • Go full width – This option will increase the table of contents width to the maximum width of the page.

  • Remove – Click on this icon to remove the table of contents.


Image RemovedImage Removed


  • .

  • Go full width – This option will increase the table of contents width to the maximum width of the page.

  • Remove – Click on this icon to remove the table of contents.


8.2.1 Edit table of contents




Output type


Display section numbering


List style


  • default – matches Confluence's default bullet style which uses a different style for each level

  • none – no bullet for any title

  • disc – a filled circle for all titles

  • circle – an open circle for all titles

  • square – a square for all titles

  • decimal – a numbered list (1, 2, 3, etc.) for all titles

  • lower-alpha – a lower-case, alphabetical list (a, b, c, etc.) for all titles

  • lower-roman – a lower roman numeral list (i, ii, iii, etc.)

  • upper-roman – an upper roman numeral list (I, II, III, etc.)

Heading indent



  • brackets – each title is enclosed by square brackets: [ ]

  • braces – each title is enclosed by braces: { }

  • parens – each title is enclosed by parentheses: ( )

  • pipe – each title is separated by a pipe symbol: | |

Minimum heading level


Maximum heading level


Include headings

Exclude headings



CSS class name

Absolute URL



  • output type: table of contents displays in to ways

    1. table of contents displayed in list type

    2. table of content displayed in flat type:


  • clicking the Compare selected version, shows the comparison of previous versions.

  • denoting with three colours:

    • Red - lines that were removed from the article.

    • Green - lined that were added to the article.

    • Blue - formating formatting changes.


14. Can I make a page as a favourite?
