Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Select the More Actions (...) icon at the top-right corner of the page.

  • click Click Page history.

  • Clicking Page history gives the current version with all versions created, published date and the Author.


  • Actions can be either restored or deleted as per your wish.


  • clicking Clicking the Compare selected version, shows the comparison of previous versions.

  • denoting Denoting with three colours:

    • Red - lines that were removed from the article.

    • Green - lined that were added to the article.

    • Blue - formatting changes.


  • If you want to make a article as your favourite, click on the Star button icon.


  • Click Camms > Starred on your left-hand side under your profile to find the page which has been starred.


5. Each Link path attached to the article will be displayed in with bolded letters underlined.

(e.g.  menu Menu > workspace Workspace > my settingsMy Settings)


6. Each link attached to the article will be displayed in italiciseitalicised and underlined. (


7. Each note used in the article will be displayed in blue color, whereas each tips used will be displayed in green colour.
