This article contains:
1. Overview |
The Assessment Phase is the fourth main phase of the assessment process. Once the Self-Assessment Phase is completed by the Assessee, the assessment is sent to be assessed by the Reporting Officer. The Reporting Officer could assess the Assessee by adding his/her feedback comments and ratings under each evaluation criteria. This must usually be completed by the end of the evaluation period.
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Note: This Phase is completed by the Reporting Officer. The Administartors Administrators have the ability to proceed and complete the Assessment Phase during the absence of a Reporting Officer. However, the Reporting Officer does not need to complete the Assessment Phase in one session. He/She may save any adjustments and return at a later stage to continue or complete. |
2. Identifying the correct Assessment |
As you are a Reporting Officer once logged in, the assessments to be assessed by you are displayed with Enter Data button under the 'Team Assessments' tab of your homepage. This means that the Assessee has completed the Self Assessment Phase and the assessment should be assessed by the Reporting Officer.
To begin , simply click Enter Data from the appropriate Assessment which will direct you to the ‘Overview’ page of the this phase.
3. The Overview Tab |
The steps required to complete the Assessment phase are outlined in the 'Tasks' section at the bottom of the screen.
4. Core Values Element |
The objective of assessment of core values is to assess and rate Assesses achievements in developing and displaying organisational core values for the review period.
To assess Core Values, follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Click the Core Values tab to enter the ‘Core Values’ section of Assessment Phase. You will see the rating and comments(if any) added by the Assessee and the 360 ratings added by the co-workers for each core value.
STEP 2: Select a rating from the ‘Rating’ drop-down list (with reference to the rating legend shown on top and the Self- rating of the Assessee as well) for each Core Value, to complete the Core Values section.
STEP 3: Add any comments to justify rating given by you for each organisational Core Value.
STEP 4: Click the save icon to save the data.
STEP 5: Check the ‘Task List’ at the bottom of the screen to confirm if the assessment of Core Values is completed. The Task List no longer displays the need to ‘Rate’ any of the organisational Core Values, thus indicating completion of assessment of core values.
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5. Completing Assessment Phase |
To complete the Assessment phase follow the steps below.
STEP 1: Navigate to the 'Overview' page of the Assessment phase by clicking on Overview tab.
Make sure that data is entered to each element section and all the fields are filled out correctly. Any elements section that were missed will be listed in the Tasks list box.
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Note: Also if any of the 360 peers have not completed their 360 this too will be listed in the task list box. |
2. You could check the 360 status by navigating to the Overview tab and by clicking on the 360 status button placed t the bottom of the Assessment Elements section.
3. Once clicked a small window will appear with the list of 360 participants, with their status (whether they have completed the 360 rating or not).
4. You will be able to either add more 360 participants or remove the existing ones (who have not completed their 360 rating) necessarily.
5. Always refer to the 'Task' list section, as the system does not allow to complete this phase until all the listed tasks are carried out,
STEP 3: Once all the tasks are completed, click Complete to complete the Assessment Phase. Data cannot be re-entered after confirmation.
1. This completes the Assessment phase and the assessment process.