The Organization Summary Dashboard is designed to provide you with a consolidated view of your organization's health. It derives its structure from the "Organization Hierarchy" configured within our core products. This hierarchy is seamlessly translated into dashboard pages, each offering a unique perspective on your organization's performance.
Operations and IT Page Overview
One of the primary pages on this dashboard focuses on the Operations and IT Directorate. Here, you will find a summary of all Actions, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Risks associated with the Innovation, Support, and System Business Units located within this Directorate. This page acts as a centralized hub for assessing the performance of these crucial units.
Innovation Node (Business Unit)
Within the Innovation Business Unit, you can dive deeper into specific elements using the following components:
Clicking on an Action in the Action List grants you access to the Action Detail Component. This component offers a comprehensive view of the selected Action, including its associated location. It empowers you with detailed insights into individual Actions.
Selecting a KPI from the KPI List allows you to explore the KPI Detail Component. Here, you can gain a detailed understanding of the chosen KPI.
Additionally, the KPI Graph Detail feature enables you to compare KPI Actual and Target Performance over an entire year.
When a particular Risk catches your attention, simply click on it to be redirected to the Risk Detail Component. Here, you can gain a holistic view of the selected Risk, facilitating informed decision-making.
Should you wish to delve into Projects, clicking on a specific Project will redirect you to the Project Detail Component. This feature provides you with an encompassing view of the selected Project, enhancing your project management capabilities.
Customization for Your Dashboard
To tailor the Organization Summary Dashboard to your specific needs, please contact the CAMMS Engage team at Our team is ready to assist you in customizing this powerful Dashboard to optimize its effectiveness within your organization.
By providing intuitive access to Actions, KPIs, Risks, and Projects, it facilitates informed decision-making and helps you monitor and enhance your organization's performance. We invite you to explore this dashboard and leverage its capabilities to drive success in your organization.