Below details can be added for a project.
Field | Description/Instruction | Mandatory/Optional |
Project Code | The unique identifier for the project. This will be editable for the administrator when risk is in standalone mode but if you have Camms.Project, the code will follow any sequence configurations done from Camms.Project | Mandatory |
Project Type | Specify the type the project belongs to. This will not be available for Camms.Risk standalone mode but if Camms.Project is available, all project types configured from Camms.Project will be displayed here | Mandatory |
Project Title | Specify the title of a project. | Mandatory |
Responsible Officer | Select from the pre-defined ‘STAFF’ records in the drop down list. The person selected here will be the one that is responsible for the project, however within Camms.Risk there is no updating mechanism for the specific project. Please contact CAMMS if you wish to explore camms- planning solution for the managing and updating of projects. | Mandatory |
Status | The status of the project (Open/Closed). | Mandatory |