The users need to be given Risk Submitter/Preparer and/or a Risk Approver permissions to create and submit risks for approvals and have them approved. These are two standard permissions available under Camms.Risk > Administration > Manage Users area.
Risk Preparer: Risk Preparers/Submitters would be able to create risks and submit for approvals. Once submitted, the submitter will not be able to make any changes to the risk and it will be un-editable. The created and submitted risks will be saved as 'Draft' in the Draft status until approved upon which the status changes from draft to 'Approved'. Till the risk is approved, it will only be shown to the Submitter user in their registers. If the risk is not approved, the status will be 'Rejected' and the submitter will then able to edit and resubmit for approval or discard the record. If it is resubmitted, the status will be changed to 'Resubmitted'.
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