What is the Budget Object
Quick info: The financial module includes three objects for budgeting purposes which is the Budget Object, Invoice Object & the Change Register Object.
Budget Tab
View of the Budget Tab
Activating the Budget object in your Project
The original budget value will also change to 100,000.000 and will roll up to the budget type respectively.
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Values in “Red” would show you that there is a Change sent to Increase the budget figure on the respective Budget. for an example.
Original Budget Value on the grid is 101,000.000
Change to Increase on the Budget value is 1000.000 this change is shown in the Grid in Red once approved from the change register.
The original budget value will also change to 100,000.000 and will roll up to the budget type respectively.
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Change image
Save - Clicking on the save button will allow you to save changes made to any Budget Types and lines within the Budget Grid.
Upload - This allows you to upload data through a data upload wizard. you can refer below for more details on the Data Upload wizard.
Export - This allows you to Export budget data within the grid into an excel document.
Filter - Thid button will be enabled to you when the “Reporting Year” functionality is activated within your table view. You can filter budget data for selected 'Reporting Years' and respective 'Budget Types/Lines.' Once the filter is applied, the filter button will change color and indicate that the data is already filtered.
Once you click on the Upload button, the upload wizard gets opened. It contains with the 5 phases.
File Upload Phase
Select Worksheet Phase
Budget Tab Phase
Data Mapping Phase
Finish Phase
You have to download the template by clicking on the Download Template button to upload data. Date Fields and the fields which have formulars configured from budget object configuration area will not be included within the downloaded template.
After downloading the template, you have to enter data into that downloaded template correctly and then you can upload that excel document via Upload File side (Right side of the File Upload Phase)
NOTE: If you have entered data in incorrect format, a warning message will appear in red color.
Adding Budget Data
Users can add new budget data through the Add New Popup which appears when click on Add New button in the button toolbar. To add reporting years along with budget types/lines for the first time, user must go through Add New Popup.