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  • STEP 2: Set up your email rules according to the below criteria:


Description / Instructions

Email Time Frame

Select when (time frame) the email needs to be generated. There are two options to choose from (BEFORE or AFTER) the specific date that you are choosing in the options below:

  • Audit Created: Selecting this option will send out an email upon creation of a risk audit.

  • Audit Primary RO Change: Selecting this option will allow you to set up an email to be sent only to the primary responsible officer and will be triggered upon the assignment/change of primary responsible officer for audits.

  • Audit Secondary RO Change: Selecting this option will allow you to set up an email to be sent only to the secondary responsible officer and will be triggered upon the assignment/change of secondary responsible officer for audits.

  • Recommendation Created: Selecting this option will send out an email upon creation of a recommendation.

  • Recommendation Primary RO Changed: Selecting this option will allow you to set up an email to be sent only to the primary responsible officer and will be triggered upon the assignment/change of primary responsible officer for audit recommendation.

  • Recommendation Secondary RO Changed: Selecting this option will allow you to set up an email to be sent only to the secondary responsible officer and will be triggered upon the assignment/change of secondary responsible officer for audit recommendation.

  • Recommendation Due for Completion: Selecting this option will send out an email with the date due for the recommendation to be completed.

  • Recommendation Overdue: Selecting this option will send out an email with the date due for the recommendation to be completed.

  • Recommendation Completion: Selecting this option will send out an email upon the completion of the recommendation.

  • Recommendation Review Date: Allows you to define the time frame as number of days before or after the review date entered in the audit assessment. Select before/after from the adjacent dropdown and define the number of days in the text box. For example, if you require the email to be sent to recipients 2 days prior to the review, select 'before' and enter number as '2'.

  • Recommendation Assignment: Selecting this option will allow you to set up an email to be sent only to the primary or secondary responsible officer of recommendations and will be triggered upon the assignment/change of primary or secondary responsible officer for recommendations.


Note: This email trigger is a bulk email and will be sent before or after the specified number of days. However, the emails will be sent as consolidated emails to the recipient, at the bulk email time specified in the email server. (Please contact Camms to have this configuration set up.)


Tick the required boxes to generate reminders only for a particular role/s.

  • Primary Responsible Person: The Risk Audit Primary Responsible Officer only (does not include Secondary Responsible officers).

  • Secondary Responsible Person: The Audit Secondary Responsible Officer only (does not include Primary Responsible officers).

  • Audit  Administrator: Audit Administrator will be able to select and define the audit recommendation statuses and internal audit sign off status for which the notifications should be sent out to. 

  • Business Unit Head: Staff selected as Business Unit Head will be able to view which recommendation is   linked to which staff member within the particular Business Unit. (Audit > Administration > Business Unit > Responsible Officer field).

    • Strategic: Business Unit Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Staff > Email).

    • Operational: Business Unit Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Staff > Email).

    • Project: Business Unit Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Staff > Email).

  • Directorate Head: Staff selected as Directorate Head will be able to view which recommendation is   linked to which staff member within the particular Business Unit. (Audit > Administration > Business Unit > Responsible Officer field).

    • Strategic: Directorate Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Business Unit Grouping > Responsible Person > Email).

    • Operational: Directorate Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Business Unit Grouping > Responsible Person > Email).

    • Project: Directorate Responsible person. (Assessment > Team > Business Unit > Business Unit Grouping > Responsible Person > Email).

** Business Unit Manager Head and Directorate emails are generated only if the Team is linked. Please contact CAMMS to activate this for you if you need.

  • Business Unit Coordinator.

  • Directorate Coordinator: Staff who has ‘Risk Manager’ or ‘Administrator’ role.

Email Template

Dropdown list of emails templates defined within the 'Email Templates' section will be displayed. Select the desired template for the reminder.

Starting Date

Select the starting date from which the reminder will be sent.


Enter the frequency for the number of times this email will be triggered.


Tick this checkbox to make this email rule active.


If you have administrator privileges, you will see a 'Delete' button in the last column to delete any created rules.
