You can define email templates which can be subsequently applied within the workflow.
STEP 1: Go to Framework> Project Settings> Email Template
STEP 2: Click 'Add New Email Template'.
STEP 3: Design the email template by entering data as indicated below.
Field | Description/Instructions | Mandatory/Optional |
Type | Dropdown allows selection of system defined email types: Generic Email, Sign Off Request and Sign Off Complete.
| Mandatory |
Title | Name of email template | Mandatory |
Subject | Email subject you can add Snippets to the Subject line by clicking on the Insert Snippet Code | Mandatory |
Body | icon. Snippets are pre configured by CAMMS and can be used to quickly insert content to the email body. The snippets automatically populate the email body with data from the system (such as data from the Project Details screen) when the email is generated. The snippet options are as follows:
| Mandatory |
STEP 4: Click 'Insert' to add the new email template to the system.
Multiple 'Sign-Off request’, ‘Sign-Off complete’ and ‘Generic’ email templates can be created and later used within workflows as required.
Repeat Steps 1 to 4 if you wish to add more Email templates.