Camms is pleased to announce the January Feature Release for Camms.Risk.
This was released on 23rd January 2021 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.
List of release items:
1. Configure the visibility of the Risk Review tab |
This feature will enable administrators to configure the visibility of the Risk Review tab in the risk workflow. Once the Review tab is hidden, all risk review related information will not be visible throughout the application.
How do you configure this?
Users with the ‘Administrator’ permission in the standard permission framework (accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Manage Users) or ‘Risk Settings’ permission in the new flexible hierarchy framework (currently in beta) which is accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Role Management, will be able to configure the risk review tab.
Configure the Risk Review tab under Camms.Risk > Risk Settings > Field Configuration > [select risk type] > Risk Review tab.
Under the Field Configuration page, use the 'Show Tab' toggle button to switch ON or OFF the risk review tab.
The OFF toggle switch will hide the Risk Review tab and its fields for configuration.
The ON toggle switch will show the Risk Review tab and its fields as before, to perform field configurations.
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Note: Currently, risk review fields will be visible only for Strategic Risk and Project Risk. Camms will incorporate Operational Risk and Corporate Risk fields in a future release. |
How does this work?
If the Risk Review 'Show Tab' is OFF, no Review tab will be shown within the risk workflow.
Based on the 'Show Tab' configuration, the following risk review fields will be hidden from settings available for a user with Administration/Risk Settings permission:
Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration
Camms.Risk > Administration > Risk Administration > Email/Email Templates
Camms.Risk > Dashboard > Dashboard Configurations > Widget Settings > Risks by Overdue Status Settings
Based on the 'Show Tab' configuration, the following risk review fields will be hidden from these sections:
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Risk Analysis > Heatmap Dashboard
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Executive Intelligence
Camms.Risk > Workspace > My Quick Update
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Dashboard
Camms.Risk > Risk Management > Risk History
Risk Register > [risk record] > [risk history icon] > Risk Audit Trail
Once the Risk Review show tab is ON, the respective review tab and subsequent fields will be made visible.
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Note: In a future release, Camms will hide all review-related filters when the Risk Review tab is turned OFF in all Risk Workflows for a better user experience. |
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Additional note
2. Manage critical path delays for Project Risks |
This feature will provide the ability to capture the critical path delays for each project risk, and display a total aggregate delay for each project within the register view.
How do you configure this?
Users with the ‘Administrator’ permission in the standard permission framework (accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Manage Users) or ‘Risk Settings’ permission in the new flexible hierarchy framework (currently in beta) which is accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Role Management, will be able to configure the critical path delay fields.
Configure the 'Critical Path Delay' field in the Field Configuration page (accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Field Configuration > Project Risk > Inherent/Revised/Future tabs).
Configure the Unit for the Critical Path Delay by clicking on the hyperlinked field name.
You can configure the Inherent Critical Path Delay, Revised Critical Path Delay, and Future Critical Path Delay columns displayed in the Project Risk Register, in the Register Configuration page (accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration > Project Risk from Register Type dropdown).
How does this work?
Based on the critical path delay unit selected, the below details will be displayed:
Day – A numeric textbox to enter a two decimal day value
Month – Two numeric textboxes named Month and Days
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Note: If a value of over 30 is given under the days textbox, it will be converted to months and the remainder will be displayed as days (e.g. if days is 45 then the system will count it as 1 month and 15 days). |
You can view assessment wise aggregated values of the Critical Path Delay for each project by clicking on the summary icon next to the Project Title.
3. Defaulting sort order as descending for Monte-Carlo projection values |
The default sort order of Risk Registers will be in descending order when a register is grouped by Monte-Carlo projection values (P10, P50, and P90), so that you will be able to see risk records starting with the highest cost impact.
How do you configure this?
To configure this, under Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration, enable visibility of the projection type fields.
How does this work?
Sorting by projection values will apply to Strategic, Operational, Project, and Corporate Risk Registers; accessed via Camms.Risk > Workspace > Risk Register.
Dragging and dropping a projection type column header to the top of the table, above the column headers, will sort the risk records in a descending order of projection value, of the grouped projection type.
More than one projection type can be dragged and dropped to sort risk records.
If the risk register is grouped by multiple projection types, the descending sort order will apply only to the parent projection type.
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Note: The descending sort order applies per risk register page. |
4. Email configuration page to reflect label replacements |
The email configuration page (where email templates and triggers are configured) will reflect the client specified labels to avoid user confusion with the system's default terminology.
How does this work?
Users with the ‘Administrator’ permission in the standard permission framework (accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Manage Users) or ‘Risk Settings’ permission in the new flexible hierarchy framework (currently in beta) which is accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Role Management, will be able to access these pages.
Under the Email Template page, the client specified field labels will be displayed when inserting a code snippet from the dropdown list (accessed via Menu > Administration > Risk Administration > Email Templates).
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Note: Field label replacements will NOT apply to the body of the email template. It will display the system field name, irrespective of whether the field label has been replaced or not. |
Under the Email page, the updated fields will be displayed in the Email Reminder configuration section (accessed via Camms.Risk > Administration > Risk Administration > Email).
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Note: To configure this, please contact Camms Support for assistance on replacing system field labels. |
5. Updates to Risk Register to show custom fields through flexible field configuration. |
The Risk Register report has been updated to show the custom fields configured via the field configuration area.
5.1 Modified ‘Show Fields’ filter controller
The ‘Show Fields’ filter controller within the report filter page has been modified to include the custom fields configured via the field configuration area for ‘Risk Treatment Actions’.
The visibility enabled custom fields are shown under the ‘Custom Fields’ grouping available for the ‘Risk Treatment Actions’
5.2 Improvements to the report content
The selected custom fields are shown within the ‘Risk Treatment Actions’ section of the report in order to cater to the effectiveness of the report.
6. Updates to Risk Register to introduce performance indicators for risk treatment actions |
The 'Risk Treatment Actions' section within the Risk Register Report has been modified to include the performance of a risk, based on the performance indicator value displayed within the risk assessments of the application.
6.1 Improvements to the report content
The performance of a risk action will be denoted by either one of the four colour coded performance categories; namely ‘On Track’, ‘Off Track’, ‘Monitor’, and ‘Not Applicable’.
‘On Track’ would be denoted by a ‘green’ background indicating that the completion % of the risk action is on track.
‘Off Track’ would be denoted by a ‘red’ background indicating that the completion % of the action is off track.
‘Monitor’’ would be denoted by an ‘amber’ background indicating that the completion % of the risk action requires close monitoring to get the risk action back on-track.
‘Not Applicable’ would be denoted by a ‘grey’ background indicating that the performance of the action cannot be calculated.
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Important Note: The Bulk Risk Approvals in My Quick Update item which was planned for this sprint, has been held back and will be released in the next sprint. This is due to further improvements that Camms are looking at in order to ensure the best possible user experience. |