This was released on 23rd January 2021 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system.
List of release items:
1. Introducing a new dataset to capture Incident Review data |
A new dataset ‘Incident_Review_STND’ is introduced to capture the data from the review tab of an incident.
The below table shows you the default relationship which you can set up as a System Administrator.
Join Type | Data Object | Join Field | Foreign Data Object | Join Field | |
LEFT | Incident_IncidentDetails_STND | INCIDENTID | = | Incident_Review_STND | INCIDENTID |
Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)
2. Introducing a new dataset to capture the Scorecard details |
A new dataset ‘Planning_ScorecardDetails_STND’ is introduced to capture the details of a scorecard.
3. Introducing new datasets to capture the recurring actions data in Camms.Compliance |
Two new standard datasets are introduced to capture the recurring actions' progress update data, within a Compliance.
If the compliance action is recurring, this new dataset will capture the data from the 'Action Progress Update' tab. The following fields are captured via this new dataset:
Field Name | Datatype | Remarks |
ACTIONID | Unique ID | This is a unique identifier for each Compliance Action and can be used to link with other datasets |
Action Name | Text | Title of the action |
COMPLIANCEID | Unique ID | This is a unique identifier for each compliance record and can be used to link with other datasets |
Compliance Title | Text | Title of the compliance |
Review Frequency | Text | Review frequency for the particular action |
Review Recurrence End By | DateTime | Date when the next review will end |
Last Reviewed By | Text | Person who last reviewed the action |
Last Reviewed Date | DateTime | When the action was last reviewed |
Next Review Date | DateTime | Date of the next review |
Data Model/Relationships - Camms.Support Documentation - Confluence (atlassian.net)
4. Modified Task Details Current Phase dataset to capture the latest baseline dates |
The ‘Project_TaskDetailsCurrentPhase_STND’ dataset is modified with the inclusion of two new fields, to capture the latest baseline data. These fields will capture the start and end date for each task of the latest baseline.
5. Modified KPI datasets to extract historical values for KPIs |
The following datasets are to be modified to capture historical values for KPIs. With this additional fields to the datasets, you will be able to report on the previous year’s performance data. The previous year is detected based on the period you selected via the parameters for each of these datasets.