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This article contains:

Table of Contents

1. Gantt Chart functionalities

The fields configured in the Object Editor area are displayed as shown in the below screenshot:.

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  • The default timeline view of the Task Planning object is set as 'scale Scale to fitFit'.

  • Hover over any of the coloured bars to view a quick summary.

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  • You can switch between the Gantt chart and the Kanban board by clicking on the respective tab names at the top.

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  • Any changes done to the Project Table will be automatically updated in the Gantt chart in real-time and vice versa. Once a Summary Task is completed, all of its Child Tasks are auto updated and vice versa as well.

  • You can assign multiple resources to a task by clicking on the icon on 'Responsible Person' column. You need to tick the staff which you need to allocate as resources and click 'OK'. You have to decide the primary resource by selecting the 'Primary' radio button and this selection is mandatory. 

  • You Additionally, you can also see the percentage of involvement through the 'Hours Per Day' which will be decided by the user (double click the 'Hours Per Day ' box in order to edit the value). The system will show the Total Effort allocated to responsible person based on Hours Per Day/Percentage and the task duration. See the example given below:

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The icons above in the toolbar, placed at the top of the Gantt chart, can be used to perform various functions in the project schedule (e.g. add, edit and , delete tasks as necessary along with many other functions. The most commonly used icons such as "Add", "Save", "Delete", "Move Up", "Move Down" etc. are placed within the tool bar and the other buttons are available in the ‘More’ section as shown below;

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The grid below elaborates on , move tasks up/down, and other functions available under the … (more) menu when clicked upon.

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1.1 Toolbar functions

Listed below are the functionalities of each icon on in the toolbar:



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Saves Gantt chart.

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Prints Gantt chart information. This provides different options to print.

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Adds a new task to the Gantt chart.

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Deletes the selected task from the Gantt chart.

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Indents / Outdents the selected task.

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Expands / Collapses the default Gantt chart view to fill the screen.

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Shows / Hides the critical path within the project schedule.

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Create / View Baseline.

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Add notes against a Task.

Image RemovedDownloads the Microsoft Project Add-in - which gives
  • Add Task – Adds a new task to the Gantt chart at the bottom of the task list. If you select a task and click on this button, a new task will be created as a sub task of that main task, and will be listed at the bottom of the sub tasks. The new tasks can be renamed and moved anywhere afterwards.

  • Save – Save any changes made to the Gantt chart.

  • Delete – Select a task and click this button to remove a task.

  • Filter – Click this to filter a task by a 'Task Name' or only tasks that you are responsible for by turning the toggle button ON under 'Filter My Tasks' in the filter popup.

  • Indent – Indents the selected task to be a sub task of the previous task.

  • Outdent – Outdents the selected task to be a main task and removes it being a sub task of the previous task.

  • Export – Export the task planning details as a PDF or Excel sheet. You may select if you want to export only the table or chart of both table and chart details.

  • Chart View – View only the chart without tasks in this view. Click on Gantt View to view back tasks details.

  • Full/Default Screen Screen – Full Screen will expand the Gantt chart to be viewed in full screen mode and the Default Screen button will be displayed when in full screen mode, to be clicked and collapse back to the default size of the Gantt chart view.

  • – Click this more button to list down more functions to perform on the Gantt chart.

    • Table View – View only the task table without the chart details. Click on Gantt View to view back chart details.

    • Gantt View – Click on this view to view the Gantt chart in full with the tasks and project charts.

    • Scale to Fit – Click this view to fit both the table view and chart view proportionately.

    • Weekly View – This will display the chart breakdown of tasks in a weekly view. Click on Scale to Fit to view back chart details in the default view.

    • Monthly View – This will display the chart breakdown of tasks in a month view.

    • Yearly View – This will display the chart breakdown of tasks in a year view.

    • Highlight My Tasks / Clear Highlight My Tasks – This will highlight tasks that you are responsible for. Once highlighted, the 'Clear Highlight My Tasks' option will clear the highlights.

    • Download MS Project Add-in – This button gives you the ability to export the Gantt chart as an XML file which can be then viewed and edited using

    • Microsoft Project. Once edited, it can

also Export Image Removed
    • Import from MS Project – If your organisation has been setup to use this function, this option will be available for you. This will let you upload a Microsoft Project file into the task planning

details to a PDF or Excel.Image Removed

Fits the Gantt chart to show on the page in full.

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Switch to Kanban Board.

You can also switch to following views by clicking on relevant icons:

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1 - Table View

2 - Chart View

3 - Year View

4 - Month View

5 - Week View

The system uses the following icons to indicate the task progress.

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'On track'

    • object and display details in the Gantt chart. See section Importing a Microsoft Project file for more information on this function.

    • Show/Hide Critical Paths – Shows/Hides the critical path within the project schedule.

    • Baseline the Current – Baseline a selected task using this button.

1.2 Right-click functions

  • Create new task – Creates a new task.

  • Create new child task – Creates a sub tasks under the main selected task.

  • Indent – Indents the selected task to be a sub task of the previous task.

  • Outdent – Outdents the selected task to be a main task and removes it being a sub task of the previous task.

  • Delete – Removes a selected task.

  • Convert to milestone – Convert the task to a milestone. Please note that you cannot change a task into a milestone by decreasing the duration to 0.

  • Properties – View properties of the tasks in a popup window and update general details or constraints if required.

1.3 Collapse/expand tasks

Click on the - icon to collapse all sub/child tasks under a main/parent task. And click on the + icon to expand a collapsed list of sub tasks under a main/parent task.

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1.4 Commenting on tasks

Click on a comment icon next to a task to add or update a comment against a task. If a task already has a comment against it, it will be outlined in blue, and if no comment exists, it will be greyed out.

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1.5 Task progress icons and performance colours of tasks

The following icons are used to indicate the task progress of tasks in the task table.

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On trackThis is displayed if the activities of a task are going according to the project schedule.

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This is displayed if the task needs to be monitored.

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Off track


This is displayed if the activities of a task are going behind the project schedule.

The performance of task will be colour coded as well in each task of the chart.

  • View the performance of each task in the Chart View colour co in red, amber, and green depending on its performance.

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  • Tasks that are in the critical path will be depicted by a red dotted line around it, in the Chart View.

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1.6 Moving tasks up or down

You can move tasks to the desired position in the Gantt chart using the 3-dot icon adjacent to the relevant task.

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  • When moving, it will show where you will be dropping the task on to, i.e., whether you will be dropping the task in between tasks, or on top of a task; thus making it easier for you to check if you are dropping the task in the right location.

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1.7 Importing a Microsoft Project file

This feature will let you create your task plan within Microsoft Project and save the file and upload it into Camms.Project.


Note: This option will be available for your organisation only if it has been setup for you from Camms Support. Please contact Camms Support on to set this feature up for your organisation as well.

  • STEP 1: Create your task plan within Microsoft Project and save the file.
    Note: Currently, we only support the following standard fields: Task Title, Percent Complete, Resource Names, Start Date, End Date, Duration, Predecessors.

  • STEP 2: Click the Import from MS Project option available in the Task Planning object.


Note: If there is data already available in the Task Planning object, it will be overwritten with the data in the newly uploaded MS Project file.

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  • STEP 3: Click the Select button in the popup window and select the MS Project file that you created and saved your project details to be uploaded.

  • STEP 4: Once the file is selected, click the Upload button to import the file in to Camms.Project.

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  • STEP 5: Click the Next button at the bottom of the popup window to take you to the final step.

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  • STEP 6: Check the preview to ensure it contains the data which you uploaded, and see if there are any data related errors shown within the error log. If any errors exist, click the Back button and fix the errors in your MS Project file and upload the file again.

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  • STEP 7: Once the uploaded data is verified and error-free, click the Finish button to complete the data upload/import into the Gantt chart.


Note: We will allow you to proceed if there are errors that can be fixed by the system itself (e.g. if the name of a task is empty, it will be corrected automatically by the system to 'New Task'). However, an error message will be displayed for this empty task name.

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The below table depicts the type of error messages that may be displayed, the reason for the error, and how it can be fixed.

Error message

What’s the reason for this error?

How do I fix the error?

Task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Title>> at row “Y” is outside the project timeframe.

If the start date and/or end date of the task is outside the project timeframe.

Edit the data accordingly and re-upload the file.

Invalid format entered for predecessor in task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Title>>. Allowed format is ‘Task ID’'Type of predecessor'+/-'No. of days of lead/lag time' .

If the format entered for the predecessor field is incorrect. For example, if the user enters a predecessor ID of ‘3' that has a lag time of 5 days, then the predecessor format should be: 3+5d or 3+5.

Edit the data accordingly and re-upload the file.

The Task Name of the task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Name>> should not be empty.

If the Task Name of a task is empty.

Edit the data accordingly and re-upload the file.

Cannot assign the task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Name>> to <<Staff assigned>>. The <<Staff assigned>> is not available in the current board and team of your project.

If one or multiple responsible person(s) assigned to a task are not available in the current board and team object.

Add the staff members to the Board and Team object and then try to re-upload the file.

Task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Name>> does not have a responsible person assigned to it.

If the setting 'Allow tasks to be created without a responsible person assigned to them' is switched off, and there is no responsible person assigned to the mentioned task.

Edit the data accordingly and re-upload the file.

Unable to delete task <<Task ID>> - <<Task Title>> since it is linked to Time Entry.

The task that was deleted is linked to a time entry record.

Delete the time entry record related to the task or add the task in the file.

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Task Planning

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