This article contains:
1. Overview |
The Control Settings page will let you configure
control related settings such as Control Ratings, Control Field Configurations, Control Register Configurations, Control Custom Lists, and Control Notification Configurations.
To access the settings page, go to Menu > Framework > Control Settings.
The following settings can be configured:
Tab Name | Purpose |
Control Rating | Configure control ratings here. |
Field Configuration | Customise the fields which are made visible within the a control record. |
Register Configuration | Customise the fields and filters which are made visible within the control register. |
Custom Lists | Customise the dropdown list available in the Control Fields area. |
Notification Configuration | Configure email and email template notifications here. |
2. Control Rating |
This settings page enables you to define, edit, and delete the list of rating values for
controls, along with the image, colour (to be used in graphs and charts), and sequence.
To configure Control Rating settings, go to Menu > Framework > Control Settings > [Control Rating tab].
To add a new Control Rating:
STEP 1: In the 'Control Rating' tab, click on the
Add New
button at the top.
STEP 2: In the popup window, enter a 'Rating Type Name'.
STEP 3: Select an image by clicking on
Upload Image
to upload an image of your choice or click on
Select Existing Image
to select from a pre-defined set of images, which will be used throughout the system.
STEP 5: Select a Colour from the colour palette for the Control Rating by clicking on the displayed coloured circle. This colour will be used to represent the rating in graphs and charts.
STEP 6: Enter a sequence number to that the Control Rating will be displayed in dropdowns for selection.
STEP 7: Click
and confirm the new rating by clicking
in the confirmation box to add the new Control Rating.
Info |
Note: Use the |
Edit |
or |
Delete |
buttons next to a Control Record to edit or delete an already saved record. |
3. Field Configuration |
This settings page enables you to configure fields within the Details, Documents, Links, and Assessment (This tab is enabled only when the 'Enable Survey' setting is setup for your organisation.) tabs within the Control Details and Control Records Details pages.
To configure Field Configuration settings, go to Menu > Framework > Control Settings > [Field Configuration tab].
3.1 Control Details Tab
The following features are available in this section:
Rearrange fields according to the order you prefer it to be displayed in the Control Detail page.
Specify a label name to be displayed for each field in the Control Detail page.
Specify a help text to be displayed for each field.
Specify if the Control field is unique per record.
Specify the visibility in the Control Detail and Control Record Detail pages.
Specify the visibility of the field under the 'My Quick Update' page.
Specify if the field is mandatory in the Control Detail and/or Control Record Detail pages.
In addition to the standard fields, the following fields can be customised and activated for the Control templates:
10 Custom text fields – Single line text
10 Custom text fields – Multiline text
20 Custom list fields – Single select list
5 Date fields
5 Numeric fields
3.1.1 Control Field Sequence
To rearrange the order of fields displayed in the Control Detail/Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
column of the field you wish to change.
STEP 2: Enter the sequence number you wish to display the field at.
STEP 3: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.2 Control Field Label Name
To change a Control field label name displayed in the Control Details/Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
Label Name
column of the field you wish to change.
STEP 2: Enter the new label name to be displayed for that field.
STEP 3: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.3 Control Field Help Text
To add a help text to popup when hovered over a Control field in the Control Details/Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
Help Text
column of the field you wish to add a help text.
STEP 2: Enter a help text to be displayed for that field when hovered over it.
STEP 3: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.4 Unique
Per Record
When Control fields are marked as 'Unique Per Record', details can be maintained uniquely for the same Control, linked to multiple Risks and Compliance records. If fields are maintained as common (not unique/unticked), these fields will appear as Read-Only and cannot be edited. These fields can be updated only via the Control Template.
Info |
Note: This setting will be visible once an internal setting 'Enable Functionality To Manage Risk Controls Commonly' is enabled via Camms Support. Once this internal setting is enabled, you can configure this column. | Unticked (maintained as common fields)
Fields will appear as Read-Only fields within the 'Control Record Detail' page accessed via the 'Control Record' grids in the Risk Assessment tab (Camms.Risk module) and the 'Control Object' (Camms.Risk Compliance module).
If any updates are required to be made for these fields within the 'Control Record Detail' pages, it will need to be updated via the Master Control Templates in the 'Control Register'.
Fields maintained as Common | Control ABC as a Template (Control Register) | Control ABC Linked to a Risk Record | Control ABC Linked to a Compliance Record |
Control Type | Preventative (Can be edited) | Preventative (Read-Only) | Preventative (Read-Only) |
Control Owner | John (Can be edited) | John (Read Only) | John (Read-Only) | Ticked (maintained as unique fields)
You will be able to edit these fields within the 'Control Record Detail' page accessed via the 'Control Record' grids in the Risk Assessment tab (Camms.Risk module) and the Control Object (Camms.Risk Compliance module).
Editing these fields within a particular Risk/ Compliance Record, will not impact the same field of other Controls Linked to Risk or Compliance Records. Therefore, the details can be maintained in a unique manner against each of these individual records.
This option will be useful if you have different divisions/users handling the Master Control Templates, Risk Controls, and Compliance Controls. This way, any changes done to a Control linked to a specific record, will not impact the other linked records or the Master Template.
Fields maintained as Unique | Control ABC as a Template (Control Register) | Control ABC Linked to a Risk Record | Control ABC Linked to a Compliance Record |
Control Type | Preventative (Can be edited) | Corrective (Can be edited) | Directive (Can be edited) |
Control Owner | John (Can be edited) | Jack (Can be edited) | Alex (Can be edited) | Ticked and Unticked (maintained as a combination of unique and common fields)
Additionally, you can decide if you wish to maintain a combination of fields that can be maintained as Unique and Common. This way, critical fields can be configured as Common fields which will need to be maintained at a Control Template level. And the rest can be configured as Unique fields which will allow you to update these as Required via linked Risk and Compliance Records.
3.1.5 Field Visibility in Control Detail, Control Record Details, Control Record Grid pages
Control Detail
Page – This can be accessed by clicking the
Control Title
within the Control Register. This page will display details maintained against the Control Template.
Control Record Details
Page – This can be accessed by clicking the
Control Title
within the Control Record grid in the Risk Assessment tabs, and the 'Control Object' within a Compliance record. This page will display the details maintained against the Controls linked with the specific Risk/Compliance record.
Control Record
Grid – This can be accessed via the Risk Assessment tabs of Risk and the Control object within a Compliance record. This grid will let you add and link to new or existing controls to the Risk and Compliance records.
To make Control fields visible in the Control Details, Control Record Details, or Control Record Grid pages:
STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes, next to the fields you wish to change make visible under the
Control Details
Control Record Details
, and
Control Record Grid
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.6 Displaying Fields in the My Quick Update page
To make Control fields visible in the My Quick Update page:
STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes, next to the fields you wish to display in the My Quick Update page.
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.7 Mandatory Fields
To make Control fields mandatory or optional in the Control Details, Control Record Details, or Control Record Grid pages:
STEP 1: Tick the checkboxes next to the fields you wish to make mandatory under the 'Mandatory' column.
STEP 2: Untick the checkboxes next to the fields you wish to make optional under the 'Mandatory' column.
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.1.8 Hyperlinked Control Fields
Some fields will have a link that will open up a popup window to configure additional settings. To configure hyperlinked fields:
STEP 1: Click the
Hyperlinked field name.
STEP 2: In the popup window, configure any settings in that is required and click
STEP 3: Click
at the top of the Field Configuration page.
3.2 Documents Tab
The Documents tab for Controls can be enabled by clicking on the 'Show Tab' ON/OFF toggle button. By default this will be turned ON. This will enable a Documents tab within the Control Details and Control Record Detail pages through which documents and URLs can be added for Controls.
Info |
Note: Documents will be maintained commonly and not uniquely against linked records. |
To enable/disable the Documents tab in the Control Details and Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
toggle button next to the 'Show Tab' field, to enable the Documents tab and click
to disable the Documents tab.
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.3 Links Tab
The Links tab for Controls can be enabled by clicking on the 'Show Tab' ON/OFF toggle button. By default this will be turned ON. This will enable a Links tab within the Control Details and Control Record Detail pages through which linkages can be added for Controls.
Info |
Note: Links will be maintained commonly and not uniquely against linked records. |
To enable/disable the Links tab in the Control Details and Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
toggle button next to the 'Show Tab' field, to enable the Links tab and click
to disable the Links tab.
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
3.4 Control Assessment Tab
The Control Assessment tab for Controls can be enabled by clicking on the 'Show Tab' ON/OFF toggle button. By default this will be turned ON. This will enable a Control Assessment tab within the Control Details and Control Record Detail pages.
Info |
Note: The Control Assessment tab will be enabled only the the 'Enable Survey' setting is turned ON. |
To enable/disable the Control Assessment tab in the Control Details and Control Record Details pages:
STEP 1: Click the
toggle button next to the 'Show Tab' field, to enable the Control Assessment tab and click
to disable the Control Assessment tab.
STEP 2: Click
at the top of the page to save details.
4. Register Configuration |
This settings page enables you to customise and configure fields displayed in the Control Register and the Control Dashboard Popup. Change label names of fields, visibility of fields, searchability in register filters, and sequence displayed in the register.
The following register types will be available to be configured via this settings page:
Control Register
Control Dashboard Popup
To edit a register configuration:
STEP 1: Select the 'Register Type' from the dropdown at the top of the page.
STEP 2: Configure from a list of selected standard and custom fields that are available under each control. The below properties can be set for each column or filter in these registers.
Setting Name | Function |
Field Name | The field name in the Control Register or Control Dashboard Popup. |
Label Reference | This is the preferred label name for a field displayed in a Control Register or Control Dashboard Popup. |
Save |
at the top. | |
Visible | This column determines the visibility of the field as a column in the Control Register or Control Dashboard Popup. |
Searchable | This column determines the visibility of the field as a filter in the Control Register. |
Sequence | This column determines the order in which the columns appear in the Control Register or Control Dashboard Popup, lowest to highest going from left to right. |
Width | This column determines the width of each column in the Control Register or Control Dashboard Popup. |
STEP 3: Click on the
button at the top of the page to save any changes made.
Info |
5. Custom Lists |
This settings page enables you to add and configure custom lists to be displayed for Controls.
To enter in the list items:
STEP 1: Click on a custom list title to display the list items on the right-hand side panel.
STEP 2: Click
Add New
to add a new item.
Info |
Note: To edit or delete an existing custom list item, click the |
Edit/Delete |
button next to the item and edit or delete an already existing item. |
STEP 3: You can then start building the list items by entering the description, sequence, and click
Save to add it to the table.
6. Notification Configurations |
This settings page enables you to configure email templates and emails for Controls.
6.1 Notification Templates
Create Control related email templates with snippets in this section.
Info |
To create an email template:
STEP 1: Click on the
button at the top of the page.
STEP 2: Fill in a title, subject, and body for the email template.
STEP 3: To use a snippet, place the cursor in the body where you want to insert a snippet, click on
Snippet icon, and select a snippet to be inserted into the email template.
Code Snippets | Snippets Description |
Control Title | The title of the control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Type | The type of the control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Owner | The owner of the control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Authoriser | The authoriser of the control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Owner Original Rating | Immediate previous control owner rating for the risk control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Owner Revised Rating | Revised control owner rating for the risk control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Authoriser Original Rating | Immediate previous control authoriser rating for the risk control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Authoriser Revised Rating | Revised control authoriser rating for the risk control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Name List | When consolidated emails are sent, this will show a table with all controls for which email is being triggered displaying the control title, risk code and title of the linked risks, control owner rating and next review date for the controls. This will only be applicable to some triggers and not all. |
Control Next Review Date | The next review date for the control for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Solution Owner | Responsible officer of the control solution for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Solution Next Update | Next review date for the control solution. |
Control Solution End Date | End date of the control solution for which the email is being sent to. |
Control Solution Completed Date | Completion date of the control solution for which the email is being sent to. |
Service Provider | The service profile with which the control is linked to, for which the email is being sent to. |
Director Name | The responsible officer of the directorate with which the control is linked to (Camms |
recommends this not to be used as this has outdated functionality). | |
Control Solution Name List | When consolidated emails are sent, this will show a table with all controls for which email is being triggered displaying the code and title, control name, start and end dates, status and % complete. This will only be applicable to some triggers and not all. |
Linked Records | Linked records of the control. |
STEP 4: Click the
Save button once done to create the email template.
Info |
Note: Click the |
<> HTML |
button to load the HTML editor view for the templates to define more formatting options other than what is available in the rich text box controller if required. |
STEP 5: Once added, the email template will be listed. You may edit or delete the template by clicking on the
buttons next to the template.
6.2 Notifications
Create Control related email triggers in this section.
Column | Description / Instructions |
Trigger Critiria | Select when (time frame) the email needs to be generated. There are two options to choose from (BEFORE or AFTER) the specific date that you are choosing in the options below: Allows you to define the time frame as number of days before or after the review date. Select before/after from the adjacent dropdown and define the number of days in the text box. For example, if you require the email to be sent to recipients 2 days prior to the review, select 'before' and enter number as '2'. The below Control specific email triggers will be available.
Recipient | Tick the required boxes to generate reminders only for a particular role/s.
Template | Dropdown list of emails templates defined within Risk Settings > Email Templates area will be displayed. Select the desired template for the reminder. |
Control Rating | Tick the required boxes to generate reminders only for controls that have the particular control |
rating/s. |
Info |
Note: If you require to configure replacing system field label names in the 'Email Reminder' section, please contact Camms Support for assistance. |
To create an email trigger:
STEP 1: Select an 'Email Time Frame' with a 'Before' or 'After' x number of days.
STEP 2: Select one or more 'Recipient' groups.
STEP 3: Select a created 'Email Template' from the dropdown.
STEP 4: Select one or more 'Control Ratings'.
STEP 5: Click on the
button to add the email trigger.
Info |
Note: To edit or delete an email trigger, click on the 'Edit' or 'Delete' buttons next to the created email trigger. |
6.3 Email Server Configuration
Set up Control specific email server configurations in this section.
Select the option 'Use inbuilt CAMMS email server ' to keep the default configuration.
Or select the option 'Use your own email server (Please configure details below)' and setup your own custom configuration.
if any changes are made.
Info |
Note: Ensure that the email server configuration supports the required intervals for sending bulk emails for Control Next Review Date triggers (e.g., every 30 minutes) |