Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This article contains:

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

The article contains all essential information for you to make full use of this platform’s features as an editor. The following sections will be covered in this document:

  • Creating and editing a page

  • Heading Styles

  • Differentiating content in different coloured panels

  • Adding images or file attachments

  • Adding links

  • Adding tables

  • Setting up a table of contents

  • Searching for content

  • Deleting a page

  • Copying a page

  • Moving a page

  • Viewing page history

  • Adding a page favourites

  • Adding a label/tag to a page

  • Standards to follow when creating articles

2. How do I create or edit a page?

2.1 Creating a page

There are two options to create a page.


  • STEP 1: Click on the pencil icon at the top of the page to edit.

  • STEP 2: Once you have edited the page, click on the Publish button at the top, to update and publish the page.


3. How do I add different heading styles?

You can add different heading levels within an article using the 'Text styles' control at the top of the page.



Note: By specifying a heading style to your title, it will help you when generating the auto table of contents for the page, and will create a link to each title within a page (once published, this link can be copied and used as a direct link to the specific title).


4. How do I add a coloured panel to highlight content?

To highlight specific content areas within an article, you have several options that can be used. Below are some of these options and how it can be added into your article.






A blue coloured panel with an info icon. This panel can be used for additional notes or information.


A purple coloured panel with a note icon. This panel can be used for any special notes or things that need to stand out.


A green coloured panel with a tick icon. This panel can be used for success messages (e.g. Page is successfully created) or tips.


A yellow coloured panel with an exclamation icon. This panel can be used for warning messages or examples.


A red coloured panel with a cross icon. This panel can be used for error messages (e.g. Do you want to delete this page?).

Add emoji

Select this emoji icon to customise the panel icon and select from a list of emojis available.

Remove emoji

Select this option to remove the panel icon (emoji) and leave it only as a coloured box.

5. Adding images and file attachments

5.1 Adding an image

To place an image into your article, follow the below steps:


  • STEP 3: This will open a dialog box where you can browse to where your files are, and select one of it. This will place the file as an attachment where your cursor was.

6. Adding links

External or internal links can be added to an article using the following steps:


  • STEP 1: Click on the text that the link is embedded to.

  • STEP 2: Click on the Edit link option and add the new link details and press the Enter key to update details.

  • STEP 3: Other functions available when editing a link, are listed below:

    • Display URL: This dropdown will display options where you can display the link as a URL or display the page name inline. By default, none of these options will be used.

    • Open link in new tab: Use this icon to open the link in a new tab.

    • Unlink: Unlink the link using this icon.


7. How do I add a table?

7.1 Adding a table

There are several options how a table can be added.


We don't have a way to export this macro.

Figure 7.4.4

8. How can I setup a table of contents?

8.1 Adding a table of contents





Output type


There are two options to list the titles:

  • List: The titles will be listed one below the other and indented according to its heading level.

  • Flat: The titles will be listed next to each other as a block, separated by the specified 'Separator' field.

Display section numbering


Display a section numbers to your titles by ticking this checkbox.

List style


  • default – matches Confluence's default bullet style which uses a different style for each level

  • none – no bullet for any title

  • disc – a filled circle for all titles

  • circle – an open circle for all titles

  • square – a square for all titles

  • decimal – a numbered list (1, 2, 3, etc.) for all titles

  • lower-alpha – a lower-case, alphabetical list (a, b, c, etc.) for all titles

  • lower-roman – a lower roman numeral list (i, ii, iii, etc.)

  • upper-roman – an upper roman numeral list (I, II, III, etc.)

Heading indent

Enter the pixel value to indent the heading levels (e.g. 10px).



  • brackets – each title is enclosed by square brackets: [ ]

  • braces – each title is enclosed by braces: { }

  • parens – each title is enclosed by parentheses: ( )

  • pipe – each title is separated by a pipe symbol: | |

Minimum heading level


The minimum heading level to list heading titles in the TOC (e.g. 2 will list heading titles from level 2 onwards).

Maximum heading level


The maximum heading level to list heading titles in the TOC (e.g. 5 will list heading titles up to level 5).

Include headings


If set, any headings not matching the regular expression are ignored (e.g. .*\.[1//2]).

Exclude headings

If set, any headings that match the regular expression are ignored (e.g. .*\.[1//2]).



If this checkbox is unticked, the TOC will not be visible in the printable output.

CSS class name

If a CSS class is used to format the page, you can use the class name here to customise the look of the TOC.

Absolute URL


If checked, the links in the TOC will be full URLs.

9. Searching for content

  • To search any content quickly, simply click on the search bar at the top of the page.

  • Key in the search word within “” (double quotations) and select the page if you see the exact page.


Please refer the How to use this platform – for all users article for advance search features.

10. How do I delete a page?

If you want to delete a page, follow the below steps:


  • STEP 3: Once the Delete option is clicked, a popup message ‘Send to trash?’ will appear. Click on the Delete button to delete the page or click on Cancel button to cancel deleting the page.


11. How do I copy a page?

If you want to copy a page, follow the below steps:



Note: Clicking the Copy option will let you copy the whole article, including the article headers and all components at all levels.


12. How do I move a page?

If you want to move a page,


  • Simply drag the page that need to be moved on your left-hand side bar under the space.


13. How do I view the page history?

  • Select the More Actions (...) icon at the top-right corner of the page.

  • Click Page history.

  • Clicking Page history gives the current version with all versions created, published date and the Author.


  • Clicking the Compare selected version, shows the comparison of previous versions.

  • Denoting with three colours:

    • Red – lines that were removed from the article.

    • Green – lined that were added to the article.

    • Blue – formatting changes.


14. Can I make a page as a favourite?

  • If you want to make a article as your favourite, click on the Star icon.


  • Clicking on the star makes it easier to find.

15. Can I add a label/tag to a page?

  1. Option 1: Select the more actions () icon at the top-right corner of the page and Select Add labels.
