This article contains:
1. Overview |
The reports in this area are predefined report containers only and must be populated with the template Actions, KPIs and Scorecards linked in the Executive Reporting 'Build' area. Organisations must purchase the Executive module in order to use this function.
Executive Report
Premium Executive Report
Performance Report
Board Scorecard Report
CEO's Report
Corporate Business Plan Progress Report
Corporate Business Plan Report
2. CEO’s Report |
The CEO's Report is made up of a number of sections and is based on the selection of an Executive Reporting Period and a Reporting Year. It contains a Key Outcomes section, which displays the Goals and Outcomes of the organisation. It also displays all the executive Actions with Executive Comments for the selected Period grouped under Outcomes and Strategies. For the Executive Action, the Name and Position of the person who entered the comment are displayed. Finally, the CEO's Report contains a KPI Report selection, which displays the KPIs linked to the selected Executive Reporting Period, with a Graph and Table of targets and Actuals for the selected year.
STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Executive Reporting and select the 'CEO's Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
Sample Output
3. Board Scorecard Report |
The Board Scorecard Report contains the Actions against which Business Highlights comments have been entered for a selected Executive Reporting Period. This makes up the CEO’s Summary section. As well as this, the report displays the scorecards linked to the same Executive Reporting Period.
STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Executive Report and select the 'Board Scorecard Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
Sample Output:
A few examples on how KPIs will show data based on standard Logistics:
Scenario | Date Range Filter | KPI Type | Last Completed Period according to the selected date range |
1 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 30-06-2016 | Monthly |
2 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 09-11-2015 | Monthly |
3 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 30-06-2016 | Quarterly |
4 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 09-11-2015 | Quarterly | Jul-Sep 2015 |
5 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 30-06-2016 | Half-Annual |
6 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 09-11-2015 | Half-Annual |
7 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 31-12-2015 | Half-Annual |
8 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 30-06-2016 | Annual | Jul 2015 -Jun 2016 |
9 | From: 01-07-2015 To: 09-11-2015 | Annual |
10 | From: 01-07-2014 To: 09-11-2015 | Annual |
4. Corporate Business Plan Report |
The Corporate Business Plan has an introduction made up of the Organisation’s Vision, Mission, and Core Values. The next section consists of the details of actions linked to the Executive Report and Reporting Period under their applicable Goal, Outcome, and Strategy. Goal KPIs for each Goal included are reported with all past period actuals and future period targets.
STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Executive Reporting and select the 'Organisational Business Plan Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
Sample Output
5. Executive Report |
The Executive Report is generated based on the selection of Executive Reporting Period and executive report which was built by the user. It displays all the Actions which have been added to the executive report (along with Executive Comments) for the selected Period and sorts the actions in ascending order of the action number. Tasks are displayed in ascending order of task start date
To access this report,
STEP 1: Go to Reports > Executive Reporting and select the 'Executive Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
The filters available to sort the data are:
Filters | Description | Default Selection |
Executive Report | Select the executive Report. | The report which has been selected under the build area |
Hierarchy type | Select the hierarchy type from the drop-down list. | Org Hierarchy |
Hierarchy level | Select the hierarchy level. | NULL Generates for the root hierarchy |
Hierarchy Node | Select the Business Unit from the drop-down list. | NULL Generates for the root hierarchy |
Action Filter | Select the action filter from the drop-down list. | Show All |
Action Comment Type | Select the Type of action comment from the drop-down menu. | None |
KPI Trend Display | Select the method (Arrow/Line) to display the KPI trend. | Arrow |
KPI Comment Type | Select the type of KPI comment to be included in the report. | None |
Show Filter page | Tick the option to include the page that displays the filter selection. | Ticked OFF |
Show Overview | Tick the option to include the Overview. | Ticked OFF |
Show Commentary | Tick the option to include the Commentary. | Ticked OFF |
Show Executive Comments | Tick the option to include the Executive Comments. | Ticked OFF |
Show Business Highlights | Tick the option to include the Business Highlights. | Ticked OFF |
Show Strategic Priority Summary | Select this tick box to include Strategic Priority Summary. | Ticked OFF |
Show Action Summary | Tick the option to include the Action Summary. | Ticked OFF |
Show KPI Summary | Tick the option to have KPI summary included in the report. | Ticked OFF |
Show Scorecard Summary | Tick the option to include the Scorecard Summary. | Ticked OFF |
Show Business Highlights | Tick the option to include the Business Highlights. | Ticked OFF |
Show Financials | Tick the option to include the Financial Summary. | Ticked OFF |
Show KPI Period Related Data | Tick the option to add KPI period related data. | Ticked OFF |
Sample Output
6. Corporate Business Plan Progress Report |
The Corporate Business Plan Progress Report includes actions linked to the Executive Report and Reporting Period under their applicable Goal, Outcome, and Strategy. Each action has executive comments, responsible person and status linked to it.
STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Executive Reporting and select the 'Corporate Business Plan Progress Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
Sample Output
7. Performance Report |
The Performance Report is made up of a number of sections and is based on the selection of an Executive Reporting Period and a Directorate. It contains the Organisational Plan Action Summary, which displays the Actions which have been linked to the selected Period, and which have the 'Council Plan' tick box on the regular Action screen checked.
For each of these Organisational Plan Actions, Executive Comments and Outcome Number are displayed, as well as the YTD Target % Complete, and the Actual YTD % Complete. This section is grouped by Business Unit.
The report has a Business Plan Reporting section, which contains Actions which have been linked to the selected Period and are under the selected Directorate. For each of these Actions, Executive Comments are displayed, as well as the YTD Target % Complete, the Actual YTD % Complete, Weighting given to it and the Score, which is calculated using Target, Actual and Weighting. This section is grouped under the Business Units linked to the selected Directorate.
Finally, the Directorate Performance Report contains a KPI section, which displays the KPIs linked to the Business Units under the selected Directorate, Annual and YTD Targets, YTD Actuals and any comments made against the KPI. This section is displayed after the Business Planning section for each Business Unit with linked KPIs.
STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Executive Reporting and select the 'Performance Report'.
STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.
Sample Output
8. Premium Executive Report |
The PREMIUM Executive Report is an executive report with all the areas you need to effectively report to key stakeholders including Budget, Actions, KPIs and/ or Scorecards at a summarized or detailed level.
Ability to choose content of report via executive reporting area of cammsstrategy®
Option to choose which sections are included in the report including summary and / or detailed information.
Sample Output 1 - Summary Scorecard
Sample Output 2 - Action Progress
Sample Output 3 - Budget
Sample Output 4 - Business Highlights
Sample Output 5 - KPI Detail
Sample Output 6 - Action Detail