This article contains:
1. Overview |
This settings page lets you customise and configure fields displayed within the different risk types and its phases of assessments and risk actions. You can rearrange the order of fields, change label names of fields, add help text for fields, visibility and mandatory state of fields, display field in quick update page, click on some hyperlinked fields to add additional settings, and display risk review tab for a risk type.
In addition to the standard fields, the following fields can be customised and activated for Risk Assessment templates:
10 multiline text fields [max characters 8,000]
20 custom list fields
5 tick boxes
10 custom (single line) text fields
5 custom date fields
5 custom numeric fields
The following features are available in this section:
Add hierarchy type linkage fields to link the risk to a node of any hierarchy (currently, only for Strategic and Operational risk types).
Rearrange fields according to the order you prefer it to be displayed, for each risk type's risk assessment phase, and risk action.
Specify a label name to be displayed for each field, for each risk type's risk assessment phase, and risk action.
Specify a help text to be displayed for each field.
Specify the visibility and if the field is mandatory for each of the risk assessment phases, and risk action.
Specify the visibility of the field under the 'My Quick Update' page.
Show/hide the 'Risk Review' tab across all pages for a risk type.
2. Add Multiple Hierarchy Type Linkage Fields |
By adding hierarchy type linkage fields, it will let you link the risk to a node of any specific hierarchy.
Info |
To add a hierarchy type linkage field:
Tip |
Permissions: To view the Add New button the following permission requires to be set:
STEP 1: Click on the Add New button at the top of the Risk Assessment page.
STEP 2: This will open a popup window to enter hierarchy fields. Fill in the required details and click the Add button.
Field name | Description |
Risk Field Name | Unique risk field name. Note that special characters (e.g. !,#,@,$,%,^,&,*,_) cannot be used. |
Label Name | This will be the field name displayed to users on the risk pages. |
Help Text | Help texts to provide any instructions to display when hovered over the field. |
Field Type | This field will be disabled temporarily, as it only contains the hierarchy links field type. |
Hierarchy | This field will contain all the hierarchies that are configured in the application. You can select one of these hierarchies. |
Visibility | This checkbox will let you hide or show the field to users. |
Mandatory | This checkbox enables you to make this field a required field, the user will not be able to save the risk record without adding a hierarchy node. |
STEP 3: This will then add the hierarchy field at the bottom of the grid.
STEP 4: Click Save at the top of the page, to save details.
This will then display in the Initial/Inherent Risk Assessment page of Strategic and Operational Risks to add linkages to a risk node and save details.
3. Rearrange Order of Fields |
STEP 1: Access the risk type or risk action tab by clicking on the main tabs.
STEP 2: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 3: Select the field by ticking the checkbox below the Sequence column, and move it one up, one down, to the top, or to the bottom of the list to be displayed, using the Top, Up, Down, Bottom buttons placed at the top left corner of the window.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button, placed at the top-left corner of the window.
4. Enter a Label Name for a Field |
STEP 1: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 2: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 3: In the row next to the field, under the 'Label Name' column, enter the label you wish the field to display. You can have different labels for the different assessment phases.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button, placed at the top-left corner of the window.
5. Add a Help Text to a Field |
STEP 1: Access the risk type or risk action tab by clicking on the main tabs.
STEP 2: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 3: In the row next to the field, under the 'Help Text' column, enter the help text you wish the field to display when hovered over it. You can have different help text for the different assessment phases.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button, placed at the top left corner of the window.
6. Making a Field Visible and/or Mandatory |
STEP 1: Access the risk type or risk action tab by clicking on the main tabs.
STEP 2: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 3: In the row next to the field, under the column you wish to show/hide and/or make it mandatory, tick on the checkbox next to the 'Visible' value to make it visible and untick to hide the field. Likewise, tick the checkbox next to the 'Mandatory' field to make the field mandatory and untick to make it optional. You can change these settings for the different assessment phases.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button, placed at the top-left corner of the window.
Info |
Note: Based on a Client's requirement, the checkboxes will be configured accordingly. |
The following standard fields will be listed in the assessment tabs to be configured:
Risk Code
Risk Active Status
Risk Title
Responsibility Centre
Risk Owner
Secondary Risk Owner
Primary Risk Category
Primary Risk Sub Categories
Secondary Risk Categories
Risk Identified
Risk Identifier
Business Process
Organisation Hierarchy Links
SWOT Type (currently available only for Strategic, Operational, and Corporate risk types)
Risk Assessment
Risk Assessment
Risk Appetite Benchmark
Monte Carlo Analysis
Risk Treatment
7. Making a Field visible in My Quick Updates |
STEP 1: Access the risk type or risk action tab by clicking on the main tabs.
STEP 2: If a risk type field is changed, access the risk assessment phase by clicking on the assessment phase sub tab.
STEP 3: In the row next to the field, under the 'Quick Update' column, tick/untick on the 'Visible' checkbox you wish to show/hide the field in the 'My Quick Update' page expand detailed view. You can change these settings for the different assessment phases.
STEP 4: Click on the Save button, placed at the top left corner of the window.
Info |
Note: The My Quick Update configuration is governed by a pre-defined set of logic, based on the calculation of the risk rating in either of the three assessments. See the below table for the logic by which the data will be displayed in the expand view. |
8. Hyperlinked Fields |
STEP 1: Click on a hyperlinked field.
The following hyperlinked fields will contain extra settings that could be enabled, assessment wise:Risk Assessment – Show Risk Score: By ticking this checkbox, the Risk Score will be displayed in the Detail pages and the Register area.
Risk Appetite Rating – Show Appetite Score: By ticking this checkbox, the Appetite Score will be displayed in the Detail pages and the Register area.
Risk Treatment – Select Multiple Risk Treatments: By ticking this checkbox, you will be able to select multiple treatments.
Critical Path Delay – Capture the critical path delays for each project risk, and display a total aggregate delay for each project within the register view.
Primary Risk Sub Categories
Select only one Risk Sub Category: By ticking this checkbox, configure the Primary Risk Sub Categories field as only a single select field within the Initial/Inherent Assessment page for all risk types.
Secondary Risk Categories
Show Secondary Sub Risk Categories: By ticking this checkbox, it will display only secondary categories in the 'Sub Categories and Secondary Categories' dropdown in the risk assessment creation page (Strategic and Project risk types).
STEP 2: Toggle the button to enable the setting.
STEP 3: Click Save at the bottom of the popup window.
9. Risk Review Tab |
Click on a risk type and click on the Risk Review subtab to access its fields.
9.1 Hiding the Risk Review tab in the workflow
You can hide the entire Review tab along with its fields across all windows by clicking on the Show Tab toggle switch.
The OFF toggle switch will hide the Risk Review tab and its fields for configuration.
The ON toggle switch will show the Risk Review tab and its fields as before, to perform field configurations.
Based on the 'Show Tab' configuration, the following risk review fields will be hidden from settings available for a user with Administration/Risk Settings permission:
Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration
Camms.Risk > Administration > Risk Administration > Email/Email Templates
Camms.Risk > Dashboard > Dashboard Configurations > Widget Settings > Risks by Overdue Status Settings
Based on the 'Show Tab' configuration, the following risk review fields will be hidden from these sections:
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Risk Analysis > Heatmap Dashboard
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Executive Intelligence
Camms.Risk > Workspace > My Quick Update
Camms.Risk > Workspace > Dashboard
Camms.Risk > Risk Management > Risk History
Risk Register > [risk record] > [risk history icon] > Risk Audit Trail
10. Risk Actions Tab |
Click on the Risk Actions main tab to configure the visibility of the Risk Action grid, Risk Action details page, My Quick Update grid, and My Quick Update details page, and configure the fields as mandatory or not.
Info |
Note: Users with the ‘Administrator’ permission in static hierarchy (accessed via Administration > Manage Users) or ‘Risk Setting’ permission in flex hierarchy (accessed via Administration > Role Management) will be able to configure the risk action fields. |
This page will have a two-tab view labelled as ‘Details’ and ‘Links’.
The details page will list and let you configure all of the existing standard fields which are as follows:
Action Title [max characters 500]
Resource Requirement
Responsible Officer
Info |
Note: For static hierarchy this will be the ‘Business unit’ dropdown and for flex hierarchy it will be the ‘add/edit links’ button where the user can link to any hierarchy node in the organisation. |
Start Date
End Date
Reporting Frequency
Completed Date
Control Title [max characters 1,000]
Next Update Required
Linked Risks
Action Status Percent Complete
Progress Comment [max characters 8,000]
Next Update Required
Last Updated By
Time Stamp
The following set of custom fields will be available:
Multiline Custom Text fields 1-10 [max characters 8,000]
Custom single select list fields 1-10
Custom tick boxes 1-05
Single line Custom Text fields 1-10
Custom Numeric fields 1-10
Label Name – The field name can be changed as per client preference by providing a displayed label name in this column.
Help Text – Help text for each field can be configured under this column.
Ordering & 3 Horizontal Dots – The field sequence can be changed easily by dragging and dropping the field by selecting the field from the three dots in the right-side corner. Additionally, the order can be configured by selecting the field by ticking the ‘Ordering’ checkbox and clicking the Up or Down arrows keys in the top right corner of the page.
Visible in Risk Action Detail – The standard/custom fields checked here will display as fields in the Risk Action Detail page of an action within a Risk.
The standard fields ‘Action title’ will be ticked and disabled.
The standard fields ‘Responsible officer, Start Date, End date, Percentage complete and Action Status’ will also be ticked and disabled by default in this column.
Visible in Risk Action Grid – The standard/custom fields checked here will display as columns in the Risk Action Grid within a Risk.
The standard fields ‘Action title’ will be ticked and disabled.
The standard fields ‘Responsible officer, Start Date, End date, Percentage complete and Action Status’ will also be ticked and disabled by default in this column.
Visible in Actions Grid in Quick Update – The standard/custom fields checked here will display as columns under ‘My Risk Actions’ in My Quick Update.
The standard field ‘Action title’ will be ticked and disabled by default.
The standard fields ‘Additional Risk Controls, Linked Risks, Control Title, Last Updated By, and Time Stamp’ will be unticked and disabled by default in this column.
Visible in Actions Detail in Quick Update – The standard/custom fields checked here will display as rows when an action is expanded in ‘My Risk Actions’ in My Quick Update.
The standard field ‘Action title’ will be ticked and disabled by default.
The standard fields ‘Control Title and Links’ will be unticked and disabled by default in this column.
Mandatory – The fields which are ticked under the ‘Mandatory’ column will be mandatory throughout the four areas mentioned above.
The standard fields ‘Action title’ will be mandatory at all times.
The standard fields ‘Responsible officer, Start Date, End date, Percentage complete, and Action Status’ will also be ticked and disabled by default in this column.
The standard fields ‘Performance, Linked Risks, Links, Time stamp, and Last updated by’ will be unticked and disabled by default.
The visibility of the ‘Links’ Tab within the Action details page can be configured by ticking the Show Links checkbox within this tab for a risk action. This tab enables you to create a linkage between a risk action and an audit action.
Info |
Note: This checkbox will be unticked and disabled if Camms.Risk Audit has not been activated. |
10.1 Displaying Performance Indicators for Risk Treatment Actions
Performance indicators will indicate if an action is 'On track', 'Off Track' or 'Monitor' status. Additionally, this will be available in the Risk Management – Risk Registers to show a summary of how risk actions are performing for each risk.
To configure the performance indicators to be displayed:
STEP 1: In the Details tab under the 'Performance' risk action field, you may set it up to be displayed in the relevant pages.
Visible in Risk Action Details – Ticked by default. This will show the performance indicator in the details page accessed by clicking on the action title via the action grid in risk assessments.
Visible in Risk Action Grid – Unticked by default. This will show the performance indicator in the action grid in risk assessments.
Visible in Action Grid in Quick Update – Unticked by default. This will show the performance indicator in the action grid in Quick Update under the My Risk Actions section.
Visible in Action Details in Quick Update – Ticked by default. This will show the performance indicator in the action grid’s expand in Quick Update under the My Risk Actions section.
Mandatory – Unticked and disabled since this field displays as a label.
STEP 2: Configure the 'Performance Threshold' values via Administration > Configuration > Action Progress Threshold, to determine the thresholds for each performance category for the risk action. By default, the below values will be set, which can be changed if required.
On Track: >= 90
Off Track: < 70
Monitor: Less than 90 and greater than or equal to 70
STEP 3: Configure the summary count of how all the linked risk actions are performing for each risk within the Risk Registers via the Register Configuration page, using the 'Linked Risk Action Count' field via Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration.
Visible – Unticked by default. When ticked, this will appear as a column in the register, showing a summary count by performance category for all risk actions that are linked with that risk.
Searchable – Unticked by default. When ticked, this will appear as a filter in the register as a multi select dropdown.
Sequence – This will define the order in which the field should appear in the register as a column and as a filter. By default, this will be given the last position.
Width – This will define the width of the column if enabled to be shown in the register. This will have the default width of 0.
Label Reference – The name of the column can be configured here. The Default column name will be ‘Risk Action Summary’. This column will be displayed in the Risk Management – Risk Registers under the specified column name here.
STEP 4: The performance of a risk action will be denoted by one of the four colour coded performance categories: ‘On Track’, ‘Off Track’, ‘Monitor’ and ‘Not Applicable’. This will display within the Risk Action grid, Risk Action Details page, My Quick Update grid and My Quick Update Details page, based on the field configuration as in STEP 1.
See article Risk Actions under section 'Risk Action Performance Indicators' for more details on this.
Info |
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