This article contains:
1. Overview |
Navigate to the actions detail screen from the action register or from the action grids in the ‘Assessment’ screens by clicking on the Hyperlinked Action title.
The following details for the risk action can be seen here:
Risk Action Title
Responsible Officer
Start Date
End Date
Reporting Frequency
Completed Date
Next Update Required
Info |
Note: This value is auto-changed from the date the review is done + the frequency value. (E.g. if the review is done today, it will take today’s date + the value of the frequency.) |
Linked Risks
Action Status – The below standard action statuses will be available:
Not Started – When the action has just been added and has 0% progress, the status will be automatically assigned as Not Started. This can be changed as and when the action progresses.
In Progress – Any progress between 1% to 99% will have a status of In Progress. This will default to 10% progress when the status is changed to In Progress at first, but can be updated to have any value between the above range.
Deferred – Will mark the deferred actions and will have no progress value. If an action was deferred when it had made some progress, the progress value existed at the point of deferring the action will be saved and locked. This status will be dropped from the overdue action logic throughout the application.
Ongoing – Ongoing actions will be marked with this status and will have no progress value. This status will be dropped from the overdue action logic throughout the application.
Completed – Marks the completion of an action, automatically setting the 'Completed Date' to the date on which the status was changed to Complete. The progress value will be 100%.
Percent Complete (Progress)
Progress Comments
Last Updated By will show the staff member who made the latest update to the action.
Time Stamp showing the date and time of the last update.
Info |
Notes: An Orgnisational Links column will be displayed to provide insight of the organisational nodes that are associated to the linked risks.
2. Linkages |
2.1 Add to Business/Strategic Plan
This will let an action to be either linked to the planning or organisation hierarchy. Depending on the risk type with which the action is linked to, the hierarchies available for linking would be determined. For Strategic and Corporate risk treatment actions, only the planning (strategic) hierarchy will be available for linking, whereas for Operational risks, both planning and organisation hierarchies are available. Only the organisation hierarchy will be available for Project Risk treatment actions.
The list of hierarchies will be displayed on the left-hand side with a list of all risks, risk treatment actions, and control solutions on the right-hand side. Control solutions will be marked by a red super scripted 'c' against the solution title for easy identification.
STEP 1: A linkage can be made, by dragging the risk/risk treatment action or control solution you wish to link with a hierarchy node from the list, on to the node name.
STEP 2: Once a linkage is made successfully, click on either the node or the linked item to display all linkages in the area, in the mid section of the window. The linkages can be deleted by a user with the edit permissions.
STEP 3: Furthermore, you can expand the hierarchy tree up to the action/task level and link a risk treatment action with a Camms.Strategy action/task. If there is no existing planning action, you can add the risk treatment action as a new action/task.
Info |
3. Convert Risk Action to Control |
Once an action is completed to be 100%, it can be converted into a control via the below option. Doing so, the same action will be converted to a control with the same title and linked to the same risk, the action was linked to as a control. Within the control, the initial base action will be linked as a control solution.
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