Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Release Note for Camms.Risk Incident Management.
This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 4th December 2021 and will be available in your Live instance on 18th December 2021.
List of items
1. Introducing a new Getting Started landing page
A new and simplified landing page will be introduced with this feature within the Camms.Risk Incident solution. This will be geared towards infrequent users, to provide a similar experience to what's currently available with our Incident Portal for external users. This can be configured as the default homepage for the Incident module and will provide an overview of the different types of incident records that can be created within the application, with quick links to get you started.
How do you configure this?
Log in to the Incident application and navigate to Camms.Risk Incident Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Incident Type Group Configuration and click on ‘Add New’ to configure an Incident Type Group. A separate widget will be created in the Getting Started page for each type group configured in this page.
Enter an Incident Type Group Name and Description. From the ‘Incident Types’ dropdown, select the types of Incidents you wish to allow a user to create.
Tick the ‘Display in Getting Started’ checkbox if you wish to view the type group in the new Getting Started page. Tick the ‘Display in Portal’ checkbox if you wish to view the type group in the Incident portal, and click ‘Save’.
Note: Existing Incident Type Groups configured under Camms.Risk Incident Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Incident Type Group Configuration will appear in the Getting Started page by default. You may remove them by unticking the ‘Display in Getting Started’ checkbox.
Follow the steps below if you wish to customise the interface of the Getting Started page:
Navigate to Camms.Risk Incident Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Getting Started Page Configuration.
Select ‘Main Body’ to apply changes to the Getting Started page.
You can customise the default title and description that appears in the Getting Started widget to a title and description of your choice. This will be displayed in the Getting Started page to all users across the application.
You can change the font colour using the font colour picker.
You can change the background colour of the page using the ‘Background Colour’ colour picker. Alternatively, you can upload a background image via the image selector. Note that the background image will supersede the background colour configuration above.
Tick the visible checkbox and click ‘Save’ to apply the changes.
Select the ‘Incident Type Group Button’ to change the colours of the Incident Type Group Button.
You can change the text colour by using the ‘Font Colour’ option and the background colour of the Incident Type buttons using the ‘Background Colour’ option.