CAMMS is pleased to announce the May Feature Release for cammsincident.

This was released on 29th May 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

List of release items:

1. Ability to configure the default Incident Status in the Dashboard 

Admin can now configure what the default status should be, when selected for incidents (out of Open, Closed and None – which behaves as Show all) in your ‘Incident’ tab within the dashboard.

2. Ability to have the Responsible Officer for the Incident in anywhere in the workflow

Administrators, can now configure the standard field ‘Incident Responsible Officer’ to be anywhere in the workflow without it being mandatory for incident creation. 

Note: You will be able to completely hide the standard responsible officer field, which will be available in a future sprint release. 

3. Ability to display additional information of any staff within the incident workflow

Administrators can now configure to show additional information for the staff fields. 

For example, if your main staff field is named ‘StaffDropdown’ and you have selected the field type as ‘Staff Dropdown with Details’, let's assume you'd like to auto populate the staff details, Phone and Email on the incident form, you can do this by configuring two new fields as StaffDropdown_Phone and StaffDropdown_Email. 

Note: As any edits from the incident form will not synchronize with the staffs details page under Administration , we would advise you to disable the ‘Is Enable’ tick box in field configurations for any configured text fields, in order to make them non-editable for the end-users.

4. Ability to display an instructional text against categories 

The administrator can now configure instructional text to show against each category, which will display when an end-user selects a category, to guide them on the categories they select.  

Note: There are some known technical difficulties when rendering rich text within HTML pages, therefore there can be some formatting issues with high resolution images and tables while in use. Please let us know if you come across any issue as such and we will try and work with you to find a solution. In the meantime, CAMMS will continue to improve the behavior and more updates will be available in future releases.

5. Auto-populate a task list based on categories for the incident 

As an administrator, you can now enable the ability to have a task list auto-populate for the incidents linked with the category/s they are linked to. 

Note: For the moment, the task object will only allow the usage of the above standard fields. CAMMS will be working to further improve the task object to allow having custom fields as well in the future via the road map. 

Note: Both of the above configurations will not function together, hence it is advised to keep the task object not visible and enable the object as a field within another object – ideally, the Incident Details standard object with the category field enabled. We will improve the feature to provide the ability to use tasks in both ways in the future.


  1. For tasks marked as mandatory, the time frame will not be editable for the incident user. However, if the task is made non-mandatory the time frame clock can be edited and the time frame will reset to the new time upon save and begin the countdown based on the updated time frame. 

  2. The ‘Task’ field can only be configured once in each workflow and having more than once will not have the subsequent fields in the workflow function properly. 

  3. If the same task is added to both parent and child category and both are selected for the incident, the task will be added to the incident only once and be shown under the parent category. Similarly, if the same task is linked to categories of which both are linked with the incident, the task will be added to the incident only once and the category under which it is displayed will be chosen randomly. 

  4. If you have enabled the ‘Enable Adding Tasks Within Task Grid’ configuration and have add permissions to the task object, any new tasks added from the incident will be categorized under ‘Other’ as they cannot be linked with a category from the incident page. However, if required the administrator user can link the task with a category as explained above later on.

  5. As soon as you enable this feature and carry out the configurations as above, for any existing incidents with categories already selected, the task grid will appear empty until you deselect the category and re-link with the incident and save again. If required, this can be done manually, individually for all records and since that is inconvenient,  CAMMS can assist you with the data population if you choose to enable this feature. Please reach out to CAMMS via Support for any assistance. 

What’s coming up?

6. Improvements to the Incident Portal

We have made major improvements to your Incident Portal user experience to make the process more intuitive and user-friendly proving functionality around accessing secure information by your external users.

Note: The functionality remains the same for the configurations already in place, where the portal users are guest users submitting records using their email addresses. The improved features will only be applied if the below configurations are enabled.



            Snippet to be used with this trigger: [ResetPasswordLink]

Note: Only the new portal users created with the above feature will be not shown in the staff drop down within the application. Any existing portal users/email addresses currently being shown in the drop downs will need to be removed (if required) with the help of CAMMS, therefore, please do reach out to us should you need the same. 

Note: It should be noted that this will be the same permission used by the non-portal users as well who creates incidents within the application. Therefore if separate behaviors are required for the incident creator within the portal and within the application, this needs to be handled via separate permissions. Please reach out to CAMMS if you wish to seek our help on the configurations.

Portal user experience 



  • In case a user who was once notified of the account created and received the set up password email, yet, had still not set the password and submits a record using the same email used before, for which an account is already created, they will once again be notified with the password set up email . Also for a user with an account already created and password already set up, but who is logging incidents without logging in to the portal first, a reset password email will be triggered (this is a known issue with the feature which will soon be fixed via a maintenance release). Hence it is advised to always log in to the portal to submit records after the first time. 

  • CAMMS is continuously working on more improvements to the feature and among some key changes will be;