This article contains:

1. Overview

The My Quick Update page, will let you update all recommendation details to findings for each of the audits you have permission or the responsible person to update in the 'My Audit Recommendations' section, in a convenient and quick manner, if you are looking at updating all recommendation details to all findings in one go. This is similar to the Quick Recommendation Search page, however, here the difference is that you will see all recommendation titles one below the other, to update comments, status, and % complete, with the additional option to expand a recommendation and update details as in the Recommendation Details and Review pages. This page can be accessed via Menu > Workspace > My Quick Update.

2. Quick Update Recommendations

To quick update recommendations:

  • STEP 1: Access the page via Menu > Workspace > My Quick Update, and under the section 'My Audit Recommendations', you will see a list of audit titles and its corresponding recommendation titles.

  • STEP 2: To filter down details, click on the Filter button at the top-right corner and tick Hide Completed Recommendation(s) to opt out any completed recommendation in the list, and tick Save as default to save this filter setting as default for when you log in the next time.

  • STEP 3: If you wish to perform only quick updates to recommendations, next to each recommendation title enter a progress comment, select the status of the action progress, enter a completion percentage, and if you wish to email the respective persons an update, click on the email icon at the right end of each row of the recommendation.

  • STEP 4: Click on the Save All button at the top-right corner of the section to save all the changes you made.

  • STEP 5: If you wish to perform a more detailed review update, you can do so by clicking on the + at the left corner row of each recommendation and expand the title links.

  • STEP 6: This will let you add 'Recommendation Details' and 'Recommendation Review Details' for each recommendation. Once updated, click on the Save button at the top-right corner of the expanded section to save all the changes you made.

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