My Learning Directory

This section guides users on how to manage, navigate, sort, search, and find enrolled Learning Activities through the My Learning Directory.

  • All enrolled Learning Activities are displayed in the My Learning Directory where the Leaner is presented with key information, including Learning Activity name, Instructor, Category, Status, and Actions.

  • The default view displays ‘All’ Learning Activities (Training Courses, Webinars, Face-to-Face Training) allocated to the Learner, in an enrolled status.



The My Learning Directory page consists of four (04) sub-navigation tabs located at the top of the page, horizontally:

  • All (default page view)  

  • Courses

  • Webinars

  • Face-to-Face Training


  • These pages enable the Learner to access the enrolled Learning Activities, grouped into pages based on the activity category.

  • To navigate between pages, select the corresponding page number or [<Previous] and [Next>] buttons located at the bottom of the page.

  • The ‘sort’ function allows for the sorting of enrolled Learning Activities by title or enrolment status.

  • The ‘search’ function allows for searching of enrolled Learning Activities by user generated keywords.


Note: Certain Learning Activity enrolments may have an enrolment expiry date which is set by the Platform Administrator. Expired activities will not appear in the My Learning area. To be reassigned the Learning Activity enrolment users can contact the Platform Administrator