Getting Started

Getting Started

1. Introduction

The article contains all essential information for you to make full use of this platform’s features. The following sections will be covered in this document:

  • Searching for content

  • Using the table of contents page

  • Navigating within the content

  • Viewing in presenter mode

  • Downloading an article

2. How do I search content?

This platform gives you various options to search for any content stored within it.

2.1 Quick search

  • To search any content quickly, simply click on the search bar at the top of the page.

  • Key in the search word within “” (double quotations) and select the page if you see the exact page.

Tip: Keying in words within “”, will filter out pages having the exact phrase. To filter pages with multiple words which isn’t the exact phrase, enter the words without “”.

Figure 2.1

2.2 Advanced search options

  • If you wish to filter out more details, key in the search word within “” (double quotations) and press the Enter key.

  • This will open a ‘Search’ page listing out all pages with your search content.

Figure 2.2

2.3 Search filters

  • Spaces – This will not be used, as all content will be held under one space. However, if you have access to other private spaces as well, you can filter content by its space name as well.

  • Contributors – You can filter content by its content contributors as well, if you know who has added any content to a page.

  • Type – This filter can be used to filter details if content is located in locations other than in pages (e.g. spaces, attachments, blog posts, comments). Most content will be in pages, therefore, this filter will not be used much.

  • Last modified – Enter a timeframe to filter content by, if you know when the page was last updated.

  • Labels – Most pages will have a label added to it, at the bottom of the page. You can further filter details by entering the label added to a page.

  • Pages under – If you want to search content within a known page, then you can key in the page name and select it. This will search the content within that page.

  • Archived content – By default the value will be set to ‘Don’t include in search’. This will not include pages having the content, in archived old/discarded pages. In case you wish to search in the archives as well, then select the ‘Include in search’ option.

  • Other filters – Search titles only – By ticking this checkbox, you will be able to search only pages having the content in its title.

2.4 Filter pages by label tag

Each page will have a label tag attached to it. By clicking on this label, you will be able to filter all pages with that same label tag.

3. What’s in the main User Guide page?

3.1 Making use of the Table of Contents

  • Once you click on a main product name, you will be directed to its table of contents page.

  • User guides will have its pages separated into ‘User Function’ and ‘Admin Function’ guides.

  • This will be a detailed page listing all sub-headings within all pages of the product.

  • If you see a sub section that you wish to read from, click the link of its main page article title.

4. How do I navigate within a page?

Each page will have its own navigation controls, which will make it easier for you to traverse within the guide’s content.

  • Page-wise table of content – At the top of each page, there will be a page-level table of contents, listing out the main and subtitles within that page. This will help you, if the page is too lengthy. Simply click on a title and go directly to that section.

  • Previous/Next article – At the bottom of each page, there will be a link to the Previous article and Next article, along with the page title. Simply click on the title to access that page.

  • Access to main Table of Contents page – At the bottom of each page, a link to the main Table of Contents page will be available for you to click on it and go directly to the main page.

  • Navigate to sub pages under a main page – Some pages will have sub level pages under it. These pages will have a linked list of page titles at the bottom with all its sub level pages. Simply click on a sub level page to access any of it.

5. Can I view a page in presenter mode?

For easy reading purposes, you can view an article in Presenter Mode.

  • Select the More Actions (...) icon at the top-right corner of the page.

  • Select the Presenter mode option.

  • This will open the page in a presenter view where it will be easier to read and present as well.

  • To exit the presenter mode, press the ESC key in your keyboard or click the Exit button at the top-right corner of the page.

6. Can I download an article?

Each article can be downloaded separately as a PDF or Word document if required.

  • Select the More Actions (...) icon at the top-right corner of the page.

  • Select the Export option, and select if you wish to download the page as a Word document or a PDF document.


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