Getting Started - Learner

Getting Started - Learner

This section provides detailed information about the Camms College learning platform.
The following are the areas addressed in this section,

Table of Contents

System Requirement and Support Browsers

Browser: The platform is a web-based system accessed through a browser. For the best user experience, we recommend Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge as your browser of choice when logging in to Camms.College.

To download either of these browsers, click on the following links:

Page Loading: There may be a delay when you first load some larger resources. This may take a few minutes. Do not refresh your page if this occurs, or you may need to launch the activity again

System Terminology


The Learner is a general user of the platform. 

Group Administrator 

The Group Admin is an administrative user of the platform who manages a set of Learners from a company. 

Platform Administrator 

The Platform admin is an administrative user of the platform from Camms.College who manage the system. 



A Group is a segment of users (Learners) who are grouped together based on the organization they belong to. 

Learning Activity 

Specific forms of learning content provided on the platform. Three (03) Learning Activity categories are provided; Courses, Webinars, Face-to-Face Training. 


The assignment of a user into a Learning Activity is referred to as an enrolment. A Learner must first be enrolled into an activity to be able to view it. 


Displays all publicly listed Learning Activities that are available for unlimited self-enrolment by the Learner. 

My Learning 

Displays all Learning Activities that the Learner is enrolled to. 

Training Courses 

Interactive learning objects that allow Learners to visually understand and virtually interact with modular-based lessons. 


Recorded virtual sessions led by Camms experts, providing in-depth insights on various topics.

Face-to-Face (F2F) Training 

Virtual training held with Camms experts including Virtual Consulting and Reporting training recordings made available through the platform. 

Overview of Learner Role

The Learner is a general user of the platform. Learners will have the following functionalities:

  • View the Learner profile and edit the information sections.

  • View the Dashboard with pre-enrolled Learning Activities segmented by category.

  • View the Dashboard with enrolled Learning Activities in Recent Activities.

  • View the Catalogue and self-enroll into public Learning Activities.

  • View Learner activity statistics and progress.

  • View, launch and interact with Learning Activities.

  • Obtain certificates for selected courses that have been successfully completed

  • View Learner History.

  • View notifications from the Platform Administrator.

User Account Creation and Registration Process


This section highlights the steps to register in the platform: 

Step 1 

Open your browser, enter the URL provided below into the address bar, and hit enter.

URL: https://cammscollege.com/



Step 2 

Click on the [Register Now] button located at the middle of the screen. 

Step 3 

On the registration page, fill in the required fields in the registration form, agree to Camms.College Terms and Privacy Policy, and select the option to receive marketing communications from Camms.College.

Step 4 

Click on the [Register] button to complete the registration process.

Step 5
Verify the email that was sent to your inbox.


  • You cannot register in to the system if your group is churned (deactivated). However, you can send an activation request to the platform admin by clicking on "click here" in the error message.


Admin-Driven Registration

You will receive an email if your account is created by an platform or group admin. To complete the registration process, please verify your email by clicking the 'Set Up Password' link. Once you have set a new password, you will be able to log in to the LMS.

Login and Accessing the LXP Dashboard


This section highlights the steps to log in to the platform: 

Step 1 

Open your browser, enter the URL provided below into the address bar, and hit enter.

URL: https://cammscollege.com/

Step 2 

Click on the [Login] button located at the top right of the screen. 

Step 3 

On the login page, enter the registered company email address and password provided within the ‘Welcome’ email, or provided to you by the Camms.College Platform Admin.  



Step 4 

Click on the [Login] button to enter the Dashboard. 



Single Sign On  

Product Navigation

This section highlights the steps to access your Camms.College dashboard through the Single Sign On (SSO) function. 

This feature allows you to login to the dashboard directly from the Camms application, and without having to enter any login credentials. 

Step 1 

From within your Camms application, locate the Product Navigation Menu on the Top Navigation Panel. Click on the Product Navigation Menu icon. 

Step 2 

Locate and click on [Camms.College]


Step 3 

A new browser window will open and display the Camms.College Dashboard area. 

SSO Portal

This section outlines the steps to access the SSO portal for Camms.College.

Step 1 

Open your browser and navigate to the unique SSO portal link sent to your inbox.

Step 2 

Enter the credentials provided for your organization, including your username and password, then click" Login. All the products you have access to will be visible once you log in.

Step 3

Click on "Camms.College" to navigate to the Camms.College Dashboard.

Forgot Password  

This section highlights the steps to reset the user password: 

Step 1 

Recover a lost or forgotten password by clicking the [Forgot Password] option on the login screen. 

Step 2 

Registered users can select the forgotten password prompt to receive an email with a link to reset the user password. 

Step 3 

If you do not receive an email, please contact the Platform Administrator for assistance, by visiting the Contact Us form. 

Fill the mandatory fields before submitting the contact form.

Learner Profile Information

This section provides information about the Learner Profile Information area located on the Dashboard.


Basic user profile information (image, name, and user group) is displayed at the top of the dashboard, along with an option to navigate to the "My Profile" page by clicking on the profile image.

Explore Learning Resources and Community Engagement

This section provides users with access to a variety of learning resources to enhance their understanding of the Camms solution. The "Explore All Resources" button directs users to the catalogue of learning materials.

In addition, the "Visit Community" link directs users to the Camms Community platform, where they can connect, collaborate, and engage with other learners and professionals.

Learner Statistics

This section provides information about the Learner Statistics area located on the Dashboard.

  • The Leaner Statistics section displays the status of all Learning Activities that you are currently enrolled to.

  • Statistics are grouped and displayed in totals by activity status of ‘Completed’, ‘Incomplete’, and ‘Not Attempted’.

Continue Learning

This section displays the most recent activities with an "Incomplete" status, allowing learners to quickly resume their progress and seamlessly continue their learning journey.



For new learners or those who do not have any learning activities with an "Incomplete" status, the following will be displayed


My Learning Activities

This section provides information about the Learning Activities sections located on the Dashboard.



The Dashboard displays the Learning Activities that the Learner is currently enrolled to, grouped by three (03) as follows:

  • My Courses

  • My Webinar

  • My Face-to-Face Training


Click on the [View All] to see all enrolled activities on the My Learning page.


On the My Learning page, you can filter your learning activities by status (not attempted, incomplete, and completed) and sort them by title, product, last enrolled, and last attempted.


The My Learning Activities sections allow you to:

  • Activity tiles that present the activity name, activity category, certificate icon, and progress bar.

  • Click [View] to display the ‘My Learning Details’ page containing information about the relevant activity.

  • Click [Launch] to open the activity. This button is available on the Dashboard for the Course Category Learning Activities only.

Overview of the Navigation

This section provides guidance on platform navigation with the following information: 

  • Getting familiar with the navigation paths on the platform 

  • Where to locate the navigation paths on the platform 

  • How to use the navigation paths on the platform 

  • Familiarity with the functionality of each navigation 

The platform consists of three (03) main navigation paths: 

  1. Welcome Panel 

  2. Header Navigation Panel 

  3. Footer Navigation Panel 

More information on each navigation is provided below. 


Welcome Panel -The main platform navigation is located at the left side of the screen. 


The Welcome Panel navigation is expanded by default. For the optimum screen view, you can toggle the Welcome Panel by clicking the Welcome Panel icon.


The Welcome Panel consists of seven (07) sections for Learners. The number of menu sections visible to the user will depend on the access permission or role. 

  • Dashboard - Displays the Learner Dashboard consisting of the user’s personal view, basic profile information, and active enrolments. 

  • Catalogue - Displays all publicly available Courses and Webinars, with the option to browse or self-enroll. 

  • MyLearning - Displays all Learning Activities the Learner is currently enrolled, including both self-enrolled and auto-enrolled learning activities. The Learner can view the progress and status of an activity. 

  • Certificates - Displays all learner certificates obtained after completing learning activities.

  • Reporting Menu - Displays all reporting options on the platform for learners. 

  • Help - Opens the system user guide for Leaners in a new tab within the browser. 

Header Navigation Panel - The secondary platform navigation is located at the top right side of the screen on the header ribbon. 


The Header Navigation Panel is at the top of the screen, on the header ribbon and will be visible throughout the application. It consists of nine (09) main sections: 

  • Home – Redirect to the web site home page

  • Webinar - Redirect to the web site global event calendar page

  • Consulting - Redirect to the web site virtual consulting page

  • Microlearning - Redirect to the web site microlearning page

  • Resources - Redirect to the web site resource center page

  • Community - Redirect to the community center

  • Blog – Redirect to the web site blog page

  • Support Portal - Redirect to the Freshdesk to submit the support ticket.

  • Notifications - Display the notification listing widget.

  • Profile – Displays user profile information, including photo, personal details and contact details.


Footer Navigation Panel - The tertiary platform navigation is located at the bottom-most section in the center of the screen. 

The Footer navigation panel provides guidance on using the Footer Navigation Panel.

The footer navigation is located at the bottom of the page, and it consists of ‘Home’ and ‘Contact Us’ sections.

  • Home - will take you to the Dashboard.

  • Contact Us - will take you to the relevant page on the Camms.College website.


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