Product Navigation

  • This feature allows the users who have logged into camms.Engage to directly navigate to Strategy, Project, Risk and Incident products and vice versa via the product navigation menu. 

  • This feature could be activated by requesting a help desk ticket upon client need. 

  • The front-end view of the product navigation icon on camms.Engge will be as follows: 

Figure 1.1
  • This icon will be visible once you enable the producy navigation from the configuration details section.

  • You can click on the product navigation icon to view the drop down list containing all the CAMMS products activated for the relevant client.  

  • You can click on a product to launch it in a new tab. 

Figure 1.2
  • Cammsengage will be listed in the Product Navigation drop down list of other products enabling you to navigate to cammsengage from other products.(i.e. cammsstrategy, cammsrisk, cammsproject and cammsincident).

  • When you click on Cammsengage from another product, cammsengage will be opened in a new tab. 

  • Cammsengage will be listed as ‘External Dashboard’ in Sycle. It will direct you to  cammsengage once clicked.