Project Budget Chart Component

1. Overview

  • This component displays a graphical representation of the project budget figures of a single project or group of projects. Front end view of the Budget Chart will be as follows:

Figure 1.1

2. Configuration of Project Budget component

Figure 1.2
  • Title – A title can be added to the component, which will display above the component on the dashboard.

  • Description – You can add a description to the component. Description will be visible above the component on your dashboard.

Note: Only the project actions which are linked to the node will be listed here.

  • From Date and To Date - The date range which the data should be presented on the graph could be added. 

  • Search Bar- You can search for a project action by entering text on the type in search bar placed about.

Note: You can edit Project Action List grid by clicking on the edit icon placed at the right corner of each Project Action.

  • Project Name – this refers to the Project name added in Camms.Project. You can edit this in the project configuration grid. 

  • Description – this refers to the description of the Project added in Camms.Project. 

  • Visibility - Enable the visibility toggle button if you want to show the Project on the dashboard. The toggle button is disable by default. 

 Note: You can click Save button to save the changes.

  • You can configure the fields to be shown for the ‘Budget Chart’ on your dashboard by clicking on the configure icon of the ‘Budget Chart’ component.

  • Field Name - Refers to the field name in cammsproject.

  • Label Name – Refers to the field name to be displayed on the front end of the budget chart, you can edit this as per your choice.

  • Visibility – Tick the visibility check box to make the fields visible on the dashboard. The check boxes will be unticked by default.

  • Series Type – You can select the type of the chart to be displayed on the dashboard.

  • Series Color – You could select the color for the chart by giving the hexadecimal value of the color.