Assessment | Endorsement Phase

Assessment | Endorsement Phase

1. Overview

The endorsement phase is the second phase of assessment. Once the set-up of the assessment has been completed, the assessment is sent to be endorsed by the Reporting Officer. It is the Reporting Officer's responsibility to allocate 360 participants and verify that the details entered by the Assessee are accurate and make any necessary adjustments.

Note: The Endorsement phase is completed by the Reporting Officer. However, the administrators have the ability to proceed and complete the Endorsement phase during the absence of the Reporting Officer.

2. Endorsing the Assessment Setup

If the Reporting Officer is satisfied with all the data input, the Reporting Officer can then progress to 'Endorse' the Setup phase. To review and endorse the assessment setup, follow the steps below:

  • STEP 1: The Reporting Officer can find the assessments under the 'Team assessments' tab in the quick update page.

Figure 2.1
  • STEP 2: Click Endorse to begin the Endorsement phase of the assessment.

  • STEP 3: Go through each tab/element in turn (making adjustments where necessary) until you are satisfied with the Assessee's selection of elements for his/her evaluation.

Figure 2.2

3. Setting up the 360 degree participants

The '360' feature involves a 360 degree assessment on selected Competencies. This means that staff members, other than the Reporting Officer, get to evaluate the Assessee's performance. An average of all the ratings obtained from the 360 Participants is calculated to produce a '360 rating'. The reporting officer selects these within the endorsement phase.

To setup up 360 degree participants, follow the steps below:

  • STEP 1: Navigate to the 'Overview' section and select the 360 element.

  • STEP 2: Click the Select Peers button next to the 360 element and select a staff member by dragging them from the left grid and dropping to the right grid, to make them a 360 participant for the assessment. You can also remove a 360 participant by clicking the Remove button.

Note: Only the Reporting Officer can access 360 Participants to add or remove a Staff Member from the Assessment.

To complete the Endorsement phase, click the Endorse button and then click OK to confirm in the Overview tab.



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