Framework | All Assessments

Framework | All Assessments

1. Overview

The All Assessments page provides the Administrator access to all assessment records across the organisation.

To access the All Assessments page, go to Framework > All Assessments.

Figure 1.1

The administrator can search assessment records by Reporting Period, Reporting Officer, Assessee name and Phase using the search section on top.

Click Edit adjoining an assessment record to modify its Reporting Officer and Due Date information. 

Click View to access and modify the assessment record. The system may not allow modifying the assessment record depending on the phase of that assessment. Refer to Business Rules for further information. 

Click Delete to delete an assessment. The system displays a dialogue prompting confirmation to remove the record. Click OK to confirm the delete. Click Cancel to keep the record.


  • The Administrator is the only user that can change the Reporting Officer or the Due Date for an assessment.

  • Reporting Officer or the Due Date cannot be changed for completed assessments; this can only be done for assessments which are in the Setup or Self Assessment phases.

  • After changing the Reporting Officer for an assessment, the assessment is transferred from the previous Reporting Officer to the new Reporting Officer with the same records.

  • Note that once a record is deleted, it cannot be retrieved.

2. Rollback Assessment

The rollback feature allows Administrator to revert an assessment to any phase (Set up, Self Assessment or Assessment) regardless of the current phase it is currently in.

To rollback an assessment, follow the steps below:

  • STEP 1: Click Rollback alongside a particular assessment record to rollback. The system provides options to define which phase the assessment should be reverted to.

Figure 2.1
  • STEP 2: Select the phase. Depending on which phase the particular assessment is currently in, the phase options for rolling back may differ. For example, if the assessment is in the Self Assessment Phase, the system only allows the assessment to be rolled back to Setup Phase.

  • STEP 3: Click Rollback to rollback the assessment record.

3. Replicate Assessment

Generally, the employee assessment details do not need to change every period. Therefore, replication and rollover of assessments saves time.

The replicate button will allow the logged in user to replicate assessments that the user is Assessee and Reporting Officer for. Once the Replicate button is clicked, a popup window will appear requiring the following information in order to replicate the assessment successfully:


  • Select the reporting year to copy the selected assessments to the future period.

  • Select the period type.

  • Select the relevant reporting period. 

  • Select the reporting officer.

  • Select assessment endorsement stage. Here, three options will be available for the user to select. They are:

  • Assessee Endorse – The replicated assessment will go to the Assessee in the Setup phase for the selected year.

  • Reporting Officer Endorse – The replicated assessment will go to the Reporting Officer in endorse stage.

  • Endorsement complete – The replicated assessment will go to the Assessee to enter the self ratings for the assessment (the assessment will be in the self assessment phase).

  • Select elements to be replicated for the new system period. This will copy the existing items from the current assessment that exist in the reporting assessment period and include them in the new reporting assessment period. E.g. If you select Actions and replicate the assessment, this will copy existing actions from current assessment that exist in reporting assessment period and include new actions in next reporting assessment period

  • Select if you want the existing comments in the current assessment to be copied to the new assessment.

  • Select the assessment due date.

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