Power BI Risk Using the Dashboard

Power BI Risk Using the Dashboard

1. Overview

The Overview page in the dashboard will display overview details of all risk types of your organization. The following summary details will be available to be viewed:

  • Overview – Displays a set of overview widgets to have an overall view of your organization's risk related standings. 

  • Number of: high residual risks, ineffective controls, overdue controls, overdue actions, overdue risk reviews, total reviewed risks, not reviewed risks. 

  • Donut charts to display: risks by inherent rating, risk by residual rating, risk by target rating, risk by risk appetite.

  • Heatmap to display risk by business grouping.

  • Risk code and risk type table.

  • Chart to display risk by residual rating and control effectiveness.

2. Additional features

The following additional features will be available within all of the dashboard pages:

  • View more details – Hover over each chart segment or a rating type to view more details in a tooltip box.

  • Filter details – Click on a chart segment, rating type, or any record to visually highlight only that part and filter all dashboard details based on the selection for further investigation.

Figure 2.1 Dashboard – Overview

3. Dashboard – Actions

The Actions page in the dashboard will display a chart of actions by owner and overdue status for each responsible person and the actions grid with details of the actions.

Note: The same additional features will apply to the Actions page too.

Figure 3.1 Dashboard – Actions

4. Dashboard – Controls

The Controls page in the dashboard will display a chart of controls by owner and overdue status for each responsible person, controls by type and effectiveness, and the controls grid with details of the controls.

Note: The same additional features will apply to the Controls page too.

Figure 4.1 Dashboard – Controls

5. Dashboard – Q&A

Query your information by selecting from a list of pre-added questions (e.g. What are my highest residual risks?). To query and filter results from information displayed on your dashboards, click on one of the pre-added queries. This will then retrieve and filter the information you require.

Figure 5.1 Dashboard – Q&A
Figure 5.2 Dashboard – Q&A 

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