Power BI Project Using the Dashboard

Power BI Project Using the Dashboard

1. Overview

The Overview page in the dashboard will display overview details of all portfolios and projects in your organization. The following summary details will be available to be viewed:

  • Overall numbers of: total portfolio count, total project cost, total project income, cost variance, total active risks, total active incidents, total active issues.

  • Bar charts to display the number of projects by phase and projects by owner and overall health

  • A heatmap to display projects by division.

  • A detailed table to view project details with start and end dates, along with project type, owner, % completion, status, health indicators.

Figure 1.1 Dashboard – Overview

2. Additional features

The following additional features will be available within all of the dashboard pages:

  • View more details – Hover over each chart segment or a chart to view more details in a tooltip box.

  • Filter details using the following options:

    • Click on a Donut chart or Bar chart segment, or any record to visually highlight only that part and filter all dashboard details based on the selection for further investigation. 

    • Select from filters provided at the top of the page to filter details displayed in the page. Filter details by portfolio, project phase, or project owner. 

Figure 2.1 Dashboard filters

3. Dashboard – Schedule

The Schedule page in the dashboard will display project schedule information, displaying the following details:

  • Overall numbers of total portfolio count, overdue tasks, off track projects.

  • Project types by status and projects by schedule RAG in bar charts.

  • Project schedule displayed in a Gantt chart.

Note: The same additional features will apply to the Schedule page too.

4. Dashboard – Budget

The Budget page in the dashboard will display project budget information, displaying the following details:

  • Overall numbers of total expenditure, total income, cost variance.

  • Project by budget RAG and project cost flow in bar charts.

  • Budget by expenditure budget lines and budget by income budget lines in donut charts.

  • Table with details of portfolio and project details, including project owner, budget year and type, annual budget, budget and actual YTD, variance value and %, budget RAG.

Note: The same additional features will apply to the Budget page too.

5. Dashboard – Risk

The Risk page in the dashboard will display risk details related to projects, displaying the following details:

  • Overall numbers of projects with risks, high & extreme risks, overdue risks.

  • Risks by business grouping in a heatmap.

  • Risks by inherent rating, risks by residual rating, risks by target rating in donut charts.

  • Risks by responsible officer in a bar chart.

  • Project risk details in a table with risk title, responsible officer, next review date, risk ratings.

Note: The same additional features will apply to the Risk page too.

6. Dashboard – Incident

The Incident page in the dashboard will display incident details related to projects, displaying the following details:

  • Overall numbers of projects with incidents, total incidents count, total open incidents, total closed incidents.

  • Incidents by status and incidents by type in donut charts.

  • Incidents by responsible officer in a bar chart.

  • Project risk details in a table with incident title, responsible officer, reported date, status.

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