Feature Release Note | Camms.Risk Incident Management, November 2020

Feature Release Note | Camms.Risk Incident Management, November 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the November Feature Release for Camms.Risk Incident Management.

This was released on 14th November 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Introduce hyperlink to the Incident Code email snippet

You will now be able to re-direct the user to the incident by just clicking on the Incident code as this will be available as a hyperlink in the body of the email.

How to do the configurations?

  • For an email to include the incident code, it has to be configured within the email template by selecting the ‘IncidentCode’ snippet from the ‘variables’ dropdown from the Rich Text Editor in Camms.Incident > Framework > Incident Settings > Notification Template.

  • The incident code which is developed as a hyperlink will apply to ALL the notification types, except ‘Risk’.  This means regardless of which object/type for which the notification template is set up.

Figure 1.1: Incident code snippet in Email notification templates

How will it work?

  • Once you have received an email, you will need to click on the ‘Incident code’ hyperlink in order to be re-directed automatically to the respective incident. Here, you will only be re-directed to the Incident Details page and NOT to the object page itself from which the email was triggered.

  • In this instance, you will only be able to view the incident, given that you have been provided with the right permissions to view the respective incident record, which can be done via Camms.Incident > Framework > Incident Settings > User Roles > Object > Edit/View permissions.

  • In the event that you are logged out of the system when clicking the Incident Code hyperlink from the email, you will be directed to the forms login page, where you will have to log in successfully in order to view the respective incident. Once logged in, the user will be directed to the respective incident details page.

Note: The above process works similarly for users with SSO authentication too. 

2. Staff dropdowns can be defaulted to the logged-in user

A new configuration option is introduced for all staff related field types to automatically default to the current logged in user within any standard or custom object; making it more convenient for users.

How to do the configurations?

  • Create a new field by clicking the add New icon within any standard or custom object (accessed via Camms.Incident > Framework > Incident Settings > Object Configuration), or select an existing standard/custom field.

  • Within the field configuration popup, select the Field type to be a staff related dropdown field from any one of the below types:

    • Staff Dropdown

    • Staff Dropdown With Details

    • Staff Multi Select

    • Responsible Officer Dropdown

  • Upon selecting any one of the above mentioned staff related field types, a new configuration dropdown option named as 'Default Selection' will appear as shown in Figure 1. Using the dropdown, change the selection from 'None' to 'logged-In User'. The default selection will be ‘None’.

  • The existing 'Is Enable' checkbox can be used (in conjunction) to make the related field either read-only or editable, based on preference.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Where enabled, the above configuration will take precedence over the configuration in Miscellaneous Settings under the 'Automatically select Responsible Officer from' parameter for 'Responsible Officer Dropdown' field type. 

How will it work? 

  • A logged in user will see their own name auto-populated in the respective field type where no selection has been previously made. 

  • Where configured with the 'Is Enable' parameter switched ON, the user can change this selection by expanding the staff-related dropdown field.

  • Where configured with the 'Is Enable' parameter switched OFF, the staff-related dropdown field will not be editable.

3. Optional tasks which are marked as mandatory can be changed back as optional tasks 

Tasks can be pre-configured as Mandatory or Optional at the point of creating/editing tasks, or linking them to a category.  The user will now be able to change pre-configured 'Optional' tasks to 'Mandatory' tasks, and now vice versa. 

How to do the configurations?

  • Use the 'Mandatory' checkbox in the 'Task Details' page to configure a Task as Mandatory or Optional. This can be accessed via Camms.Incident > Framework > Incident Settings > Task > [click on an existing task or create new task using 'New' icon].

  • Use the 'Mandatory' checkboxes inside the task linkage grid in the category details popup to change an Optional task to a Mandatory Task. Tasks created as Mandatory and assigned to a Category cannot be changed back as Optional. This can be accessed via Camms.Incident > Framework > Incident Settings > Category > [click on required category], and assign tasks using the 'Task List' dropdown.

How will it work? 

  • When you select a Category for an incident record, all tasks assigned to the selected category (Mandatory and Optional) will appear on the task grid. 

  • You will be able to distinctly identify any pre-configured mandatory tasks with the read-only checkboxes, while in contrast, any pre-configured Optional tasks will have editable checkboxes under the 'Mandatory' column of the task grid.

  • Using the editable checkboxes, you will be able to change any optional tasks into mandatory, and save the incident record. Alternatively, you can use the ‘Mandatory’ checkbox inside the 'Task Details' pop-up by clicking on a task in the task grid.

  • Optional tasks that you have changed as ’Mandatory’ and saved, you can now reverse by unticking the checkbox. 

4. Restriction of uploading files with double extensions

  • You are now able to upload files with two or more extensions within Camms.Risk Incident, due to security reasons (e.g. 'filename.exe.txt' is not permitted to upload). This is detected when there are multiple '.' in the file name. Should you face any issues uploading files, please make sure there is only one '.' in the file name when uploading (and that should be followed by the extension of the file: e.g. filename.docx).


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