Feature Release Note | cammsengage, January 2020

Feature Release Note | cammsengage, January 2020

1. Overview 

CAMMS is pleased to announce the January Feature Release for cammsengage

This includes several new features and enhancements to improve the user experience within the system. The Release is set for 24th of January 2020 and will include the following features.

2. Ability to display a Hierarchy Tree Navigation panel within Dashboards.

This new feature enables the display of a navigation panel in dashboards, displaying all dashboard components in a hierarchical manner. This will allow users to click and navigate directly to a specific area of the dashboard with ease.

2.1 Dashboard Admin Panel

  • A check box named ‘Display Tree Navigation’ will be visible in the Edit Dashboard section (see below).

Figure 2.1: Dashboard Admin Panel

2.2 Front-end view of the Tree Navigation Panel

  • When the check box is ticked, a new button will be displayed on the right of the Dashboard banner image, indicating the Tree Navigation Panel (see Figure 2 below).

Figure 2.2: Tree Navigation Panel Button
  • Once the button is clicked, a navigation panel will expand to display all the Dashboard pages. When expanded further, sub level pages and components will appear (see Figure 3 below).

Figure 2.3: Tree Navigation Panel
  • Upon clicking on a component, the selected component will be displayed on the Dashboard, excluding the previous level components.

3. Introducing custom text fields to the Project List component

This enhancement allows the 'Project List' component to pull in all the custom text fields within the 'Project Detail Object', in addition to the default fields which are currently available.

3.1 Dashboard Admin Panel

  • All ten custom text fields within the Project Detail Object of cammsproject will be available in the Configuration Menu of the 'Project List' component.

  •  Administrators can enable these fields to display them on the front-end of the Dashboard (See Figure 4 below).

Figure 3.1: Dashboard Admin Panel
  • Administrators can arrange the order of the fields, which will then change the column order based on the arrangement on the Dashboard front-end.

  • All these new fields will be compatible with all the refresh options.

3.2 Front End View of the Custom Text fields of the Project List Component

  • Figure 4 below depicts the Dashboard front-end view of the 'Project List' component with all the ten custom fields in the Project Detail Object from cammsproject (See Figure 5 below).

Figure 3.2: Custom Text Field – Front End