Feature Release Note | Camms.Risk, July 2020

Camms is pleased to announce the July Feature Release for Camms.Risk.

This was released on 17th July 2020 and includes the following new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system. 

1. Define the 'From' email address

This allows emails sent from the Camms.Risk application to be sent from a designated email account, rather than the default Camms one, so that recipients see the 'From' email address of your own organisation.

  • A new configuration area ‘Email Server Configuration’ accessible to administrator users with privileges provided is now introduced to the Risk Administration area, which can be accessed via cammsrisk > Administration which will allow users to configure the 'From' address in system generated emails to any address of their own for the organisation.

Figure 1.1
  • There will be 2 options as below;

    • Use inbuilt Camms email server – This will be default selection which will be your current configuration where emails are routed through Camms standard email service through a Camms email address.

    • Use your own email server - This will be available for you to configure system emails to be sent from an address of your choice and routed through your own email server. You will need to configure the relevant details of your company email service, such as the desired ‘From’ address, SMTP server, SMTP Username, SMTP Password, SMTP Port and Enable SSL from here.

The 'from' address configured will thereafter be the email address from which you receive all system generated emails within Risk and Incident modules:

Note: This update will change the 'From' address for Risk, Audit and Incident email.

2. Spitting the common settings between incident and risk to be independent from each other

The following two settings will be separated between the two modules for better flexibility:

  • Mandatory hierarchy linkages for risk/incident creation. 

  • Auto-population of incident/risk creators linkages for the records.

Here's a quick recap on what these settings do:

  • Mandatory hierarchy linkages for risk/incident creation – Globally defines the hierarchies with which a risk/incident must be linked to for successful creation.

  • Auto-population of incident/risk creators linkages for the records – Enables auto-population of the record creators hierarchy linkages as record linkages as well.

Note: These settings are only applicable for clients using our 'flexible hierarchy' feature which is currently in open Beta.

The above two settings which previously resided in the ‘Risk Settings’ area, which can be accessed via cammsrisk > Administration > Configuration, is now split across the two modules and will be available in the below areas respectively.

For risk:

The same area as above (Cammsrisk > Administration > Configuration > Risk settings with setting names updated as

  • Select Mandatory Hierarchies for Risk Creation

  • Auto Populate Risk Creator's Hierarchy Linkages As Default Risk Linkages Upon Creation

For Incident:

The settings are available in the ‘Miscellaneous settings’ area, which can be accessed via Cammsrisk > Framework >Incident settings with setting names as:

  • Select Mandatory Hierarchies when creating an incident

  • Auto Populate Incident Creator's Hierarchy Linkages as Default Incident Linkages Upon Creation