Strategy Configuration – Reports

Strategy Configuration – Reports

1. Report Uploader

The Report Uploader Facility allows users to upload their own Crystal or SSRS reports to Camms.Strategy®. This can be achieved by:

  • Uploading a new report

  • Editing an existing report and uploading

Note: Live hosted clients will need to host a copy of their database on a local server in order to access the database backend and design reports. Please contact the CAMMS Helpdesk if you need any assistance with this.

Please contact CAMMS if you are interested to purchase this solution, as it does not come with the standard suite.


  • The Report Uploader feature must be activated by CAMMS before it can be used. 

  • Report uploader does not allow to ‘Edit’ (does not allow to add new Parameters) or ‘Remove’ CAMMS Standard Reports OR any client specific reports developed and deployed by CAMMS for the client. This will only allow the client to Add/Edit/Remove custom reports designed and uploaded by the clients themselves.

  • Any client specific developed report from client end - if any issues are found CAMMS are able to provide support on this, however if the issue is with the crystal report/SSRS report development, developed by the client then this work will be chargeable. Time taken can be used through clients’ customer care hours to fix this, or else we will send invoice at a rate of $225 per hour (our standard helpdesk support rate).

  • These reports are developed by the client either from scratch or using our standard reports with our existing procedures/functions to develop the report. However, since CAMMS owns the IP of the product we may modify the database schema and procedures based on our requirements i.e. Enhancements, roadmap, custom modification, in line with our releases. This could impact on the standard database schema which clients have used on their custom reports and it is therefore expected that the client will have adequate report development skills to analyse the Database level changes and modify their custom report to adopt the changes, or alternatively, if the clients do not have the expertise CAMMS can do this for them however that will come with a cost.

  • If a report is running and shows the data consistent from Crystal reports, however shows a mismatch from within Camms.Strategy® itself, this means that the client has given the wrong report parameters in the report uploader, that is why it works in Crystal IDE but not in Camms.Strategy®. (i.e.; if customer gives wrong report parameter type(s) in the uploader that affects the output of the report, when you run from Crystal IDE user gives the correct ID values for parameters.)

2. Adding a new report

This can only be done by an Administrator.

  • STEP 1: To navigate to the Report Uploader page go to Administration > Configuration > Reports.

  • STEP 2: Select the area of reporting that you wish to upload to i.e.; ‘Strategic community planning'. Any reports you have already uploaded are displayed along the left. Click New.

  • STEP 3: To Upload a new report click on the Icon to the right on the reports title.

Figure 2.1
  • STEP 4: Now select the type of report that you wish to upload. (Navigate to these hyperlink pages for the next steps based on the report type you are using).

    • Crystal Report – This option is selected if you have designed a Crystal report.

    • Microsoft SRS – This option is selected if you have designed a SSRS report.

3. Adding a Crystal Report

  • STEP 1: Select 'Crystal Report' as the report type and fill in the required fields.







Report Type

Select type as ‘Crystal Report’



Define a name for the report (This will be displayed in the reports area)



Input a number to define the order of the new report among the existing report list visible in Sycle > Reporting > Relevant reporting area



Tick the box to make the new report visible in Sycle > Reporting > Relevant reporting area

Note: This is ticked by default. If un-ticked reports will be invisible.


Report Version

Define a report version for the report.

For example, if it is a 2nd version to an existing report, the user can enter either 1.1 or 2 as the version number

Note: This value is only visible within the application.


Report File

Browse and select the new report file to be uploaded



This will display the server location where the report is saved.


  • STEP 2: Click Save to upload the report.

4. Adding a Microsoft SRS report

  • STEP 1: Select 'Microsoft SRS' as report type and fill in the required fields.







Report Type

Select type as ‘Microsoft SRS Report’



Define a name for the report (This will be displayed in the reports area)



Input a number to define the order of the new report among the existing report list visible in  Reporting > Relevant reporting area



Tick the box to make the new report visible in Sycle > Reporting > Relevant reporting area


Report Version

Define a report version for the report.

For example, if it is a 2nd version to an existing report, the user can enter either 1.1 or 2 as the version number


Report File

Browse and select the new report file to be uploaded


Folder Name

User has to define a folder name



This will display the server location where the report is saved.


*‘Report Category Group’ tree – This hierarchy tree lists the report categories, which a report can be uploaded against. User is allowed to change the respective category through this selection tree.

  • STEP 2: Click Save to upload the report.

5. Database Diagrams

The CAMMS SQL Database contains some overview database diagrams, which are available within the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Please contact CAMMS for further information regarding this.

6. Adding Parameters

Once you have uploaded your new report, the Add New Parameter button will appear below the details of the report.

6.1 Preconditions

  • A report file (Crystal/SSRS) should already be uploaded.

  • The report file must NOT be a standard report in Sycle.

Once a new report has been uploaded, the Add New Parameter button will be displayed.

  • STEP 1: Click the Add New Parameter button and add new parameters to the report.  These new parameters are the filters which would be displayed within the report filter section.

  • STEP 2: Update the relevant fields within the parameter table and click Update.

For SSRS report only, make sure you 'save' once you are done updating. If you are uploading SSRS report, do not click save.

  • STEP 3: Add the Sort order number and check the 'Show all' tick box if you need the ‘Show All’ option to be available for the parameter.

  • STEP 4: Once you have entered all information click Add.

Parameter Table:








Select the parameter name from the existing list of parameters within the system.

For example, if your reports need a ‘Business Unit’ filter you can select the name ‘Business Unit’ from the drop-down.



Enter the same parameter name used within the ‘Parameter Fields’ of your Crystal/SSRS report, for the selected parameter


Parameter Name

Enter the parameter name which needs to be displayed within the report filter page (report preview area of the application).

The report parameter field names should be entered into the parameters field with no spaces. A space is added automatically when the parameter is added, however ensure that you remove this.


Default Values

Select a default value to be loaded for the parameter, when being displayed within the report filter page



If ticked, the parameter will be hidden within the report filter page

If un-ticked, the parameter will be displayed within the report filter page


Sort Order

Enter the order of the display of parameters within the report filter page


Show All

Tick the box, if the parameter is a drop-down list and if you require the ‘Show All’ option to be available


7. Adding Parameters to Crystal Reports

This should be done by a Crystal Report writer or by someone who has a good knowledge in coding Crystal Reports.

  • STEP 1: Open the Crystal Reports application and load the required report.

  • STEP 2: Navigate to the field explorer and select the new parameter field.

8. Creating a new parameter

  • STEP 1: Enter a descriptive name for the Parameter name.

  • STEP 2: Select the Data Type.

  • STEP 3: Select the List of Values.

  • STEP 4: Select the Value Field.

  • STEP 5: Click OK to save the information.

  • STEP 6: Open the formula workshop by navigating to Selection Formulas > Record.

  • STEP 7: Once the Formula workshop is open, add your selection code by starting with AND or OR.

  • STEP 8: Add the parameter description as it is exactly in the report.

  • STEP 9: Click Save once you have added all the parameter information.

The report can now be tested within the Reporting menu.

9. Previewing the Report

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Camms.Strategy® Reporting section.

  • STEP 2: Select the relevant reporting area (i.e. Corporate Business Reporting, Strategic Reporting etc.) to where the new report is added. Check whether the new report is appearing within that area and then click on it.

  • STEP 3: Select the respective parameter values to filter the report content (from the respective list of parameters), and click on Preview to generate the report.

10. Existing Report

11. Editing a standard report

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Report Uploader screen and select the reporting area under which the report is placed.

  • STEP 2: Select the report which you require to edit and click on the Edit button.

  • STEP 3: For Standard Report or a Custom report developed and deployed by CAMMS, the user will only be allowed to edit the following fields within the Parameter table.

    • Default Values

    • Hide

    • Sort Order

    • Show All

12. Editing a custom report

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Report Uploader screen and select the reporting area under which the report is placed.

  • STEP 2: Select the report which you require to edit and click on the Edit button.

For a Standard Report or a Custom report developed and deployed by CAMMS, the user will only be allowed to edit the following fields within the Parameter table:

  • Name

  • Parameters

  • Parameter Name

  • Default Values

  • Hide

  • Sort Order

  • Show All

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