Risk Reports – Administration

Risk Reports – Administration

1. Overview

All of the administration reports are basic exports of your organisation hierarchy. There are no filters for these reports and will export to PDF in a basic table form.


2. Risk Heatmap Report

This report provides a comprehensive visualization of the risk distribution in a heatmap layout. This is followed by a risk summary that is grouped by Risk type, and a detailed risk overview to help one analyse and prioritise the critical risks.

Note: Please refer to the Camms.Risk | Risk Heatmap Report | SSRS section within the Report Library for further details.

Figure 2.1

3. Risk Attention Report 

This report provides a summary view of all Risk movements within a selected reporting period, along with its associated Risk Controls and Risk Actions, followed by its corresponding detailed view.

Note: Please refer to the Camms.Risk | Risk Attention Report | SSRS section within the Report Library for further details.

Figure 3.1

4. Action Summary Report

4. Action Summary Report

This report provides a graphical overview of Actions by Schedule and Actions by Status, followed by a detailed summarisation of actions that are categorised respectively by the schedule statuses of overdue, scheduled, completed and deferred. 

Note: Please refer to the Camms.Risk | Action Summary Report | SSRS section within the Report Library for further details.

5. Control Summary Report 

This report comprise a dashboard view providing an overview of Controls, followed by details on each Control along with its linkages.

6. Bow Tie Report 

This report represents a convenient way to view a Risk's Causes, Consequences, Controls, Risk Treatment Actions and its respective list of related records. Additional visual gauges include the Inherent, Residual and Future Risk Ratings, as well as the Risk Appetite. Some of the filters applicable for this report include the Hierarchies, Risk Ratings and Responsible Person.

7. Risk Management Report

7. Risk Management Report

This report provides an overview of Risk Ratings across Inherent, Residual, and Target Assessments to help users assess Risk impacts and exposure. The Report begins with a summary view of Risk Ratings, offering insights into Risk levels across different Assessments. A heatmap visualization follows, displaying a consolidated view of Risk Counts across various Likelihood and Consequence levels. The final section presents detailed Risk data, including key attributes and associated Risk Actions to facilitate deeper analysis. Available filters for this Report include Hierarchy, Responsible Officer and Risk Type.

8. Risk Register Report

8. Risk Register Report

An Excel Report that presents the extensive data for Risks in a clear and straight-forward manner. These records include Risks along with the related Primary and Secondary Risk Categories, Risk Type, Risk Owner, Secondary Risk Owner, Consequence and Likelihood, Risk Rating Assessments, Control Details, Risk Action Details and Risk Treatment Details.

9. Executive Risk Report

9. Executive Risk Report

This Report provides Executives with a high-level summary of Risks, Actions, and Controls configured in the system. It begins with the Risk Summary section, which uses Heatmaps and charts to highlight key metrices such as Residual Risk Ratings, Overdue Risk Actions, Action Status, and Control Effectiveness. The next section presents a Risk Count along with an overview of Risks, Controls, and Actions linked to Organization Hierarchy Nodes and Risk Categories. The final section features a Risk List, offering a more detailed view of each Risk. Available filters for this Report include Hierarchy, Risk Type, and Control Effectiveness Rating.





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