Risk Reports – Administration

1. Overview

All of the administration reports are basic exports of your organisation hierarchy. There are no filters for these reports and will export to PDF in a basic table form.

2. Organisation View

The organisational view report will give you a basic snap shot of your organisational structure that has been inputted into the system – Directorates, Business Units and Risk Registers.

Example Output:

Figure 2.1

3. Organisational List

The Organisational List report is a basic report which will show your organisational Hierarchy in a basic form. It will show all Risk registers, linked Business Units and Linked Directorates.

Example Output:

Figure 3.1

4. Staff list

The Staff List report shows all the staff and their position and email. The staffs are grouped by their organisation links.

Example Output:

5. User Overview

The user overview report shows all users in the system and their security levels within your organisation.

6. Risk Profile Map Report





Date - From

Date filter will allow user to select a date and the outstanding value for the risk rating for the particular risk of choice, for the day immediately before the selected FROM date would be shown.

Date - To

Date filter will allow user to select a date and the outstanding value for the risk rating for the particular risk of choice, for the day immediately before the selected TO date would be shown.


Dropdown allows users to choose the Service which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).


Dropdown allows users to choose the Directorate which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).

Risk Type

Will allow the user to select the type of risk & filter the report content accordingly (Default to ‘Show All’).

Business Unit

Dropdown allows users to choose the Business Unit which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).



Report Element


Cover Page

Cover page displaying the report title, client logo, the date for which the report has been generated and the print date.

Heat Map

Risks are mapped based on their Current risk rating and Target Risk Rating, using Likelihood and Impacts.

Risk Summary

Risk Reference

Risk Reference Number.


Risk Title.

Initial Risk


Displays the Risk Rating in the Initial assessment. The cell will be colored based on the risk rating.

Current Risk


Displays the Risk Rating in the Current assessment. The cell will be colored based on the risk rating.

Risk Actions

(Actions, Owner, Due Date)

Displays the Risk Actions against the Risk.

Displays the Responsible Person name, Risk Action Due Date (End Date).

Future Risk


Displays the Risk Rating in the Future assessment. The cell will be colored based on the risk rating.

Revised Risk Rating


Displays an analysis on the trend at which the Current Risk Rating for a particular risk changed over the period of time, between the Date FROM and Date TO.


Comments which have been made for Risk Actions.

7. Overdue Summary Report 





Risk Type

Check boxes which allow users to choose the type of risk which need to be displayed in the report (All boxes ticked by default). The risks related to select ‘Risk Type’ will be displayed in the report.

Risk Rating Initial

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Initial Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Initial assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Rating Revised

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Revised Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Revised assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Rating Future

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Future Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Future assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Category

Dropdown allows users to choose the Risk Category, which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).


Dropdown allows users to choose the Directorate which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).

Business Unit

Dropdown allows users to choose the Business Unit which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).

Responsible Officer

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Responsible Officer (Default to 'Show All'). The risks which are assigned to the selected staff.

Risk Treatment

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Risk Treatment (Default to 'Show All').

Risk Status

Dropdown allows the users to choose the status of the Risk & filter the report contents accordingly (Default is set to 'Active').

Action or Project (Apply only to project risk type):

Risks related to the Action/Project will be displayed.



Report Element


Overdue Risks - Risks which have a next review date which has passed the system date

Cover Page

Cover page displaying the report title, client logo, the date for which the report has been generated and the print date.

Risk Code

Displays the Risk Code.

Risk Title

Displays the Risk Title.

Responsible Person

Responsible Officer allocated for the Risk.

Last Reviewed Date

The latest date which the risk was reviewed.

Next Review Date

The date scheduled for the next review.

Initial Risk Assessment

Displays the Risk Rating in the Initial assessment along with icon assigned to the Risk Rating.

Revised Risk Assessment

Displays the Risk Rating in the Revised assessment along with icon assigned to the Risk Rating.

Overdue Risk Controls - Risk Controls which have a next review date which has passed the system date

Control Name

Display the Title of the Risk Control.

Controls Type

The Type of the Control.

Control Owner

Control Owner for the risk control.

Control Owner Rating

Display the rating assigned by the Control Owner.

Control Authoriser


Display the rating assigned by the Control Authoriser.

Control Review Date

Date scheduled for the review.

Control Next Review


Date scheduled for the 2nd review.

8. Risk Control Overview Report 





Risk Type

Check boxes which allow users to choose the type of risk. (All boxes ticked by default). The report will display the control related to the selected ‘Risk Type’.

Initial Risk Rating

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Initial Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Initial assessment will be displayed in the report.

Revised Risk Rating

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Revised Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Revised assessment will be displayed in the report.

Future Risk Rating

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Future Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Future assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Category

Dropdown allows users to choose the Risk Category, which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).


Dropdown allows users to choose the Directorate which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).

Business Unit

Dropdown allows users to choose the Business Unit which the risk is linked to (Default to ‘Select All’).

Risk Responsible Officer

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Responsible Officer (Default to 'Show All'). The risks which are assigned to the selected staff.

Risk Treatment

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Risk Treatment (Default to 'Show All').

Risk Status

Dropdown allows the users to choose the status of the Risk (Default is set to 'Active').

Action or Project (Apply only to project risk type):

Risks related to the Action/Project will be displayed.

Control Owner

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Owner for control/s (Default to 'Show All').

Control Owner Rating Type

Dropdown allows the users to select the Rating Type assigned by the owner (Default to ‘Show All’).

Control Authoriser

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Authoriser for control/s (Default to 'Show All').

Show Unlinked Controls

The controls which aren’t linked to any risk will be displayed.



Report Element


Cover Page

Cover page displaying the report title, client logo, the date for which the report has been generated and the print date.

Risk Code

Displays the Risk Code.

Risk Title

Displays the Risk Title.

Control Name

Display the Title of the Risk Control.

Control Owner

Control Owner for the risk control.

Owner Rating

Display the rating assigned by the Control Owner

Last Review Date

Date on which the control was last reviewed.

Next Review Date

Date scheduled for the Next review.

The fields which the user will enable via field configuration (Mega Menu > Framework > Risk Settings > Field Configuration) will appear in the report.

9. Risk Linkages Report 





Risk Type

Check boxes which allow users to choose the type of risk. (All boxes ticked by default). The report will display the control related to the selected ‘Risk Type’.

Risk Rating Initial

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Initial Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Initial assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Rating Revised

Check boxes to select the rating type for the Revised Risk Assessment (Default to ‘Show All’). The risks with the selected ‘Risk Rating’ for the Revised assessment will be displayed in the report.

Risk Rating Future

This will allow users to choose the Future rating for the Risk (Default to 'Show All'). This will allow users to choose the Future rating for the Risk (Default to 'Show All').

Responsible Officer

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Responsible Officer (Default to 'Show All'). The risks which are assigned to the selected staff.

Risk Status

Dropdown allows the users to choose the status of the Risk which will be displayed in the report (Default is set to 'Active').

Risk Level

Dropdown allows the users to choose the Risk Assessment. The risks related to the selected assessment will be displayed.



Report Element


Cover Page

Cover page displaying the report title, client logo, the date for which the report has been generated and the print date.

Risk Details

Risk Code & Title

Displays the Risk Code & the Risk Title.

Responsible Officer

Responsible Officer allocated for the Risk.

Primary Risk Category

The primary category, which the risk belongs to.


The department which the risk is linked to.

Initial Risk Rating

Displays the Risk Rating in the Initial assessment. The text will be coloured based on the risk rating.

Revised Risk Rating

Displays the Risk Rating in the Revised assessment. The text will be coloured based on the risk rating.

Future Risk Rating

Displays the Risk Rating in the Future assessment. The text will be coloured based on the risk rating.

Linkages – Risk Controls

Control Name

Display the Title of the Risk Control.

Control Type

The Type of the Control.

Control Owner

Control Owner for the risk control.

Control Owner Rating

Display the rating assigned by the Control Owner.

Authoriser Rating

Display the rating assigned by the Control Authoriser.

Next Review Date

Date scheduled for the Next review.

Linkages – Risk Action

Risk Action

Display the Title of the Risk Action.

Responsible Officer

Responsible Officer for the Risk Action.

Business Unit

Display the Business Business Unit to which the Risk Action is connected.

Start Date

The date allocated to start the Action.

End Date

The date allocated to end the Action.

Reporting Frequency

Risk Reporting Frequency period.

% Complete

Risk Action % Complete (YTD).

Linkages - KPI

KPI Name

Display the Name of the KPI.

KPI Unit