Camms.Risk Compliance Management | September 2022

Camms.Risk Compliance Management | September 2022

Camms is pleased to bring you the Quarterly Product Update Notification for the Camms.Risk Compliance Management Capability.

This quarter we've got a number of exciting new features and enhancements to improve your user experience within the system, which will be available in your Test environment on 3rd September 2022 and will be available in your Live instance on 17th September 2022

1. Introduction of the Obligation Explorer Register

The new Obligation Explorer standard register will provide the capability to view Authority Documents and the linked Obligations in a single register with customised advanced filtration capabilities.

Additionally, you will be able to automatically derive an aggregated Authority Document status based on the status of the linked Obligations.

1.1 New Obligation Explorer Register

The Obligation Explorer Register will let you view the relationship between Authority Documents and Obligations in a single register. Hence, you will no more require to individually navigate to the Linkage tab of a record to identify the inter-relationships between Obligations and frameworks, legislations, or regulations from which they are derived.

Figure 1.1: New Obligation Explorer Register

How do you configure this?

The Obligation Explorer standard register will be available to all users who have access to the Obligation Register.

Customise the columns and filters of the Obligation Explorer Register as below:

  • Navigate to Obligation Settings > Register Configuration > Register Type: Obligation Register > ObligationExplorer.

  • Click New to add a new field to the register. Select the Obligation type, Object, and Object fields that needs to be added to the register from the displayed popup, and save.

Note: Only custom fields are allowed to be added via the New button.

  • Once added, tick the Visible checkbox and save to make the field visible as a column in the register.

  • If you wish to search by this field, tick the Searchable checkbox and save.

How does this work?

  • The Obligation Explorer Register will present all obligations for which the logged in user has View permissions, together with the Authority Documents it is derived from. Unlike the My Obligation Explorer introduced in our last quarterly release, the Obligation Explorer View is not limited to Obligations for which the user has a primary responsibility assigned.

  • All Obligations that are not linked to any Authority Document will appear at the top of the Obligation Explorer Register nested within an empty record.

  • You can filter records in the Obligation Explorer by an Authority Document Code, Title, or Aggregated Status, as well as any Obligation parameters that are configured as searchable under Obligation Settings > Register Configuration> Register Type: Obligation Register > ObligationExplorer.

Note: Obligation Explorer will only display the parent or child obligations that are directly linked to an Authority Document. Hence, child obligations that are linked to an Authority Document via a parent Obligation will not appear within the Obligation Explorer. 

1.2 Aggregated Status Calculation for Authority Documents based on linked Obligations

This feature will enable you to view the Aggregated Status of the Authority Document based on all linked underlying Obligations.

How do you configure this?

  • Navigate to Menu > Framework > Compliance Settings > User Roles > [Register Type: Authority Document Register] > [Role Name] > Standard, and mark the 'AggregatedStatus' field checkbox as visible.

  • Next, go to Menu > Framework > Compliance Settings > Aggregated Status setting.

Note: The standard permission ‘Aggregated Status Setting’, will only be ticked by default, for user roles where the standard permission ‘User Role Settings’ is ticked.

  • Set the toggle ‘Configure Aggregate Authority Document Status’ to ‘ON’, in the Aggregated Status settings page.

  • Next, select the method to calculate the Aggregated Status from the ‘Derive Aggregated Authority Document Status based on' dropdown. The description of each method can be read by hovering over the information icon.

  • The Aggregated Status is derived from an Aggregated Authority Document Score that is calculated based on the scores associated with Obligation Statuses that are linked to the Authority Document.

  • To configure the individual Obligation Scores against each status, navigate to Menu > Framework > Obligation Settings > Lists > Obligation Register > ComplianceStatusName > [Status Name] > Value Weightage.

  • To configure the upper and lower bound scores against each Authority Document Status, navigate to the ‘Value Min Value’ and ‘Value Max Value’ fields under Menu > Framework > Obligation Settings > Lists > Authority Document Register > AuthorityDocumentStatus > [Status Name] > Value Min Value/Value Max Value.

How does this work?

  • If the option ‘Average Score’ is selected as the method, then the Scores (Value Weightages) associated with each Obligation record is added and divided by the number of Obligations. The value is then compared against the ‘Value Min Value’ and ‘Value Max Value’ Authority Document Score ranges specified under Menu > Framework > Obligation Settings > Lists > AuthorityDocumentStatus, to determine the Aggregated Authority Document Status. Thereafter, the calculated Aggregated Status can be seen under the Status column in both Obligation Explorer and My Obligation Explorer Registers.

  • If the option ‘Lowest Status Score’ is selected as the method, the Lowest Score (Lowest Value Weightage) out of the scores of linked Obligations (Value Weightage), is compared against the ‘Value Min Value’ and ‘Value Max Value’ pairs of Authority Document statuses, to derive the Aggregated Authority Document Status. Thereafter, the derived Aggregated Status can be seen in the Status column in both the Obligation Explorer and My Obligation Explorer Registers.

  • If the option ‘Count Based’ is selected as the method, the most common Obligation Status (Most Common Value Weightage) among all Obligations, is selected. This Status value is then compared against the Value Min Value/Value Max Value Aggregated Score range specified for Authority Documents, under Menu > Framework > Obligation Settings > Lists > AuthorityDocumentStatus. Thereafter, the derived Aggregated Status can be seen in the Status column in both the Obligation Explorer and My Obligation Explorer Registers.

  • The Aggregated Authority Document Status will be calculated and shown, based on Scores of the Obligations directly linked to the Authority Document in question, and any Obligations linked to sub Authority Documents underlying the Authority Document in question.


Method used to calculate the Aggregated Status is ‘Average Score’.

1.3 Enhancements to My Obligation Explorer

The custom field count that can be configured to appear within the My Obligation Explorer will be increased from 10 to 25 custom columns.

How do you configure this?

  • To configure additional columns to appear in the My Obligation Explorer page, navigate to Menu > Obligation Settings > Register Configuration > Register Type: Obligation Register > My Obligation Explorer.

  • Click New.

  • Select the Obligation type, Object, and Object fields, and save to add a new custom field in the My Obligation Explorer.


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