Risk Workspace – Risk Analysis

Risk Workspace – Risk Analysis

This article contains:

1. Overview

Access the Risk Analysis page via home page left-hand navigation panel.

Figure 1.1

This area provides a graphical snapshot of risks against your hierarchies and allows drill down for more information and analysis of changes in Risk Ratings over time.

It consists of four tabs: Overview, Assessment Heatmap, Heatmap Dashboard and Charts. Details of each tab is based on the filters and the selected organisation hierarchy level.

  • Displays pie charts grouped by the type (Strategic, Operational, Project and Corporate).

  • Each pie chart reflect risks per each assessment (Initial, Current, and Future)

  • Pie charts are filtered based on the organisation level and main filter selection.

  • Details of the risk can be viewed by simply clicking a percentage value within the graph and a grid is displayed just below the pie chart, indicating risk code, title, responsible person, and last review date. Clicking the risk title will navigate the user to the risk detail screen.

  • Clicking the report icon next to the risk opens a pop-up displaying summary view of the risk.

  • Ledged: Indicate the assessments levels (Initial, Current and Future) and risk rating colours.

  • System Alerts: displayed the top ten risks sorted by the criticality of the revised risk assessment and review overdue risks.

You may drill up and down through the Organisation Hierarchy by clicking on the ‘Organisation’ side menu, and using the arrows to drill up and down to find the level of the organisation that you want to view the risks for:

Figure 1.2

Once you have clicked on the level of the hierarchy that you want to view, you can either dock the side menu out or collapse this (hide it) from the screen. The page will refresh and display risks specifically linked to that level of the hierarchy.

Note: The details displayed in this page defaults to the logged in user’s organisation hierarchy. However, you can select any other organisation hierarchy node to display details in this page.

Risk analysis involves assessing potential risks within the organisation. The pie chart categorises risks as very high, high, insignificant, low, or moderate. Clicking on a category displays all relevant records, while a link allows you to edit that specific record. Once you have made the necessary changes, click on the Save button.

To filter, you can click on the Filter button, Tick on the Show Rollup Information, summarising how different risks are connected and affect the overall analysis, and click the Search button.

2. Heatmap Dashboard

Heatmap Dashboard will visualise your organisation’s risks across its ratings enabling you to click on them to enable track lines and time line trends which shows its movement across the matrix over time. 

This allows you to visualise your organisation’s risks across its ratings at different levels of assessment in a heatmap.

Note: This will be automatically generated based on the risk matrix configurations done for the current/revised risk assessment within the application. This can be enabled via the 'Enable Heatmap' setting accessed via Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Heatmap Settings area.

Risks at the three assessment levels shown in the colour coding below and a track line to show the movement of the risk from initial, revised to future assessment levels is shown in the track line view when you tick the 'Show Track Lines' option.

  • Inherent Risk Rating – shown using grey

  • Residual Risk Rating – shown using white

  • Future Risk Rating – shown using black

Note: You can view the track lines for all risks within the dashboard in one view or click on a specific risk and view the track line for any risk individually.

You can also visualise the timeline trend for the risk by clicking on the Show Timeline Trend check box and this would show the movement of the risk rating during the selected course of time for which the heatmap analysis area is filtered to.

A detailed view of each risk shown within your heatmap can be accessed via View Details option.

Risk Rating Legend – This would show the colors in the heatmap and the risk ratings each colour represents. This would be based on the configurations for the criteria from within the application.

Following filter options to customise the data shown.

Filter out the risks shown in the heatmap dashboard in terms of assessment levels for risks.

View/Filter your organisation’s risks within the analysis dashboard by hierarchies set up within the application.

  • Organisation Hierarchy

  • Planning Hierarchy and

  • Custom Hierarchies

The following filters are available:





Risk Type

Risks will be filtered based on the selected Strategic, Operational, Corporate and Project Type. Default ‘Show All'.

Action (apply only to project risk type)

Risks will be filtered by the action name (only applicable to project risks if they are present).

Responsible officer

Staff dropdown included. Risks where selected staff is the responsible person (both primary and secondary) will be checked. Default ‘Show All'.

Risk Category

Risks will be filtered based on the selected category. Default ‘Show All’.

Risk Status

Filter the risks by risk status – Active, Inactive and Show all. Default ‘Show All’.

Risk Appetite 

Filter the risks by the linked risk appetite rating – Within appetite and out of appetite will be available as options. Default 'Show All'. Based on the configurations, the appetite rating will have filters per each assessment it is enabled in. 

Last Reviewed Date

Filter risks by a time period that it has been last reviewed. Use the calendar icons to select a time FROM and TO.

Show Risks of Selected Hierarchy Only

Checkbox to select if risks will be filtered to display details of risks that are linked only to the node that has been selected from the left-hand side hierarchy panel.

Save as Default

User can save search options individual by selecting the filters and ticking Save Search checkbox before clicking Search button.


This button is clicked to initiate the search.

Clear Search

Pressing this button will clear all the selected filters and set to default.

You can also export the current view of the heatmap to a PDF or word by clicking on the PDF or Word button.

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