Risk Settings – Risk Rating Type

This settings page lets you define the list of rating values for risks and risk appetite areas, along with the image, colour (to be used in graphs and charts), and sequence. Additionally, a review frequency may be added to determine the automatic population of review frequency based on rating values. 

Note: The review frequency is applicable only when the 'Update Frequency based on the Risk Rating' setting is enabled within the 'Review Frequency' field under Risk Settings > Field Configurations > [Risk Type] > Risk Review > Review Frequency.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 1: Click the Risk Rating Type tab. From the 'Select Screen Type' dropdown, select the screen option and set up risk ratings for your risk assessments.​

  • STEP 2: To define a rating, Click Add New and enter a name and associate an image with it which will be used throughout the system.

  • STEP 3: Click on Select Existing Image to make your selection.

  • STEP 4: To upload a new image, click Upload Image to look for a file on your computer. Make sure you use a small but high-quality picture.

  • STEP 5: Click Select to confirm your choice.
    To change the image, simply click on the Image and repeat the previous steps 3-6.
    You can set the colour for your rating type. This colour will be used to represent the rating in graphs and charts.

  • STEP 6: Select a colour for the rating by clicking on the Colour palette and then clicking on one of the colours available.

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 7: Enter a sequence number which will determine the order in which the rating will appear in dropdown lists throughout the system.

  • STEP 8: Enter a frequency value to determine the automatic population of the risk review frequency based on the selection of the risk rating value for a risk in the current risk assessment.

Note: This is applicable only when the 'Update Frequency based on the Risk Rating' setting is enabled within the 'Review Frequency' field under Risk Settings > Field Configurations > [Risk Type] > Risk Review > Review Frequency

  • STEP 9: Click the Save button to add it to the table.

Note: Use the adjacent Edit button to edit or Delete button to delete a saved record.

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