Risk Administration – System Settings

This article contains:

1. Overview

This section allows you to configure various System Settings within the entire solution. You can manage these system options by accessing, Administration > System Settings from navigation menu bar.

Figure 1.1

Refer the section under System Settings to get more information regarding each setting.

2. System Settings

Figure 2.1
  • Allow User to Edit Initial Risk
    This option allows the ability to edit the Initial risk assessment after a Current risk assessment has been undertaken. This means you can undertake a fresh Initial Assessment by editing the Likelihood, Consequence and Type giving you a new Initial Risk Rating. If the tick box is un-ticked, the initial assessment will be locked down, and you will not be able to edit this after it has been saved.

  • Enable Confidentiality for Action & KPI
    Not Applicable for Camms.Risk.

  • Action Ref
    Not Applicable for Camms.Risk.

  • Change Action Numbering
    Not Applicable for Camms.Risk.

  • Unique Action Numbering
    Not Applicable for Camms.Risk.

  • Enable Trend Data in EIS
    Not Applicable for Camms.Risk.

  • Automatically check 'Hide Completed Actions'
    This feature will tick the ‘Hide Completed’ checkbox within the 'My Risk Actions' filter automatically for all users of that organisation.

  • Show Risks for Secondary Responsible Person
    This enables the Risk Home page to display the risks for primary risk responsible officers, as well as secondary risk responsible officers. If it is not checked, only the primary responsible officers will have the risks displayed on the home Page. Default status is unticked.

This is only applicable if you have Multiple Risk Owners activated via Framework > Risk Settings > Initial Settings.

  • Enable Revised Risk Label
    This parameter will allow to rename the following labels within the environment. This change will reflect in all the risk types.

    • Likelihood

    • Consequences

    • Risk Rating

    • Revised Risk Assessment

    • Revised Risk

    • Revised

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