Camms.Risk | February

Camms.Risk | February

Welcome to the Known Issues page for the Q1 Feature Release for Camms.Risk. Here, you will find a list of issues that we are currently aware of and working to resolve. Issues will be prioritised based on the Urgency and Impact to our customers. We are committed to addressing them as quickly as possible, with regular updates made to this page for your visibility. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to deliver the best possible solution for you. If you encounter any additional issues, please don't hesitate to report them to us through our Camms Support Email (support@cammsgroup.com) or Freshdesk.





Alternative Solution


Navigating from MQU to EIS for SSO clients

Generic (SSO)

Ready to Test (Strategy)

Using the EIS from the LHS menu navigation.


Filtering the heatmap dashboard with the last review and next review dates



In order to view the specific risks that are due for review with the next review date and to view the risks from the date it was last reviewed the risk registers can be utilized for the interim.


Risk linkages not visible to review approver.

Risk Review Approvals (If Any client turns ON this feature)




If an approver changes the data, it does not get saved. It will only reflect the submitter’s reviewed data.

Risk Review Approvals (If Any client turns ON this feature)




Risk Review Approval Authorities dropdown for static clients will only show if an organization link is linked to that specific staff.

Risk Review Approvals (If Any client turns ON this feature)


Staff must be linked to an organization link if they are to appear in the risk review approval authority dropdown even if the permission is ticked.

Note: Risk Review Approvals related issues will be fixed by the end of next week. This will only affect clients who wish to turn ON this feature. 

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