Incident Settings – Code Setup Settings

Incident Settings – Code Setup Settings

This settings page lets you define how the record code numbering sequence is setup. You may setup different numbering based on incident types, selecting the numbering sequence, adding a prefix/suffix or mask as required, defining a start number and entering a group name for generic incident code types to have its own numbering system. Record numbering will continue between incident types that belong to the same group name.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Incident Settings > Incident Code.

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Code Setup Details will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

  • STEP 2: Tick Identify Code against Type tick box, enabling two new boxes known as ‘Type’ field and ‘Generic’ incident codes among multiple types.

Enter ‘Group Name’ for the Generic set of incident codes for easy identification. It is mandatory to give a grouping for each of the Generic incident code types that is configured. The incident numbering will only continue between the generic incident types which belong to the same group.

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 3: Select a Numbering Sequence. Four options are available.

    • None: Selecting 'None' will leave the number sequence empty. When a new incident is created, no automatic number will be assigned and the user will have to manually enter a number.

    • Strict Sequential Numbering: Selecting 'Strict Sequential Numbering' will automatically populate a sequential number for new incidents created. The number will be non-editable by the users.

    • Editable Sequential Numbering: Selecting 'Editable sequential numbering' will automatically populate a sequential number for new incidents created and this will be in an editable format so that the user can change the number if required.

  • STEP 4: Enter a Prefix for the Incident code.

Figure 1.3
  • STEP 5: Enter a Start Number for the incident code. Once you add a start number, any incidents created will be assigned a number starting from the number specified. The functionality of the number will also be based on the numbering sequence option selected.

  • STEP 6: Enter a numbering mask for the incident codes. The user will be required to enter a numeric field and when a mask, for example: 0000 is entered, this will mean that the incident numbering will appear as 0001, 0002).

  • STEP 7: Enter a Suffix for the incident code.

  •  STEP 8: Click the Save button.

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